Legislature(1993 - 1994)
04/11/1994 09:12 AM Senate STA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
CHAIRMAN LEMAN brings up HB 299 (DRIVER'S LIC REVOCATION; ALCOHOL / DRUGS) as the next order of business before the Senate State Affairs Committee. The chairman calls the prime sponsor to testify. Number 127 REPRESENTATIVE CYNTHIA TOOHEY, prime sponsor of HB 299, thanks the committee for the opportunity to testify and reads the sponsor statement on HB 299. Representative Toohey introduces Ms. Knuth and Mr. Ford. CHAIRMAN LEMAN asks if there are any questions of Representative Toohey. Number 174 SENATOR TAYLOR asks if the revocation or suspension of driving priveleges would require that person to provide an SR22 to the Division of Motor Vehicles before their privileges are reinstated. REPRESENTATIVE TOOHEY states they would not have to do so. SENATOR TAYLOR asks why we would want to allow young people who have been caught drinking, to drive without proof of motor vehicle insurance. Number 190 MARGOT KNUTH, Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Department of Law believes that the Department of Public safety was concerned that since this is revoking the privilege to drive, and not necessarily revoking a drivers' license- she doesn't recall whether- Ms. Hensley is out of town today. REPRESENTATIVE TOOHEY adds this question was asked and satisfied. Number 201 REPRSENATIVE VEZEY also adds that this is not a DWI or drunk driving bill, this is a penalty for minor consuming, and does not necessarily have anything to do with a person driving while intoxicated. SENATOR TAYLOR responds he understands that aspect of HB 299. If a person is a dangerous driver, even if drinking did not contribute to their dangerous driving, they can get their license suspended. Number 228 MS. KNUTH states it has been brought to her attention that under AS 22.15.185, under court revocation of a minor's license to drive, the department may not require proof of financial responsibility before restoring or issuing the person's drivers' license. It would cause a problem if Alaska Statute were to specify that SR22's are not required for court revocation of a minor's driving privileges, but SR22's are required for administrative revocation of a minor's driving privileges. SENATOR TAYLOR asks if all other administrative revocations require an SR22 MS. KNUTH replies she does not believe that is the case. REPRESENTATIVE TOOHEY adds that if the administrative revocation occured because the person was driving while intoxicated, then that person would have to submit an SR22 before having their license reinstated. MS. KNUTH states the distinction between revoking the license of someone who was driving while intoxicated, someone who was driving recklessly, and someone who was drinking underage, is that the person who losses their driving privileges for a non-driving offense cannot be required to file an SR22. REPRESENTATIVE VEZEY comments it is his understanding that DMV will not reissue a revoked license without proof of insurance. SR22's are but one form of a proof of insurance. SR22 is the form that is issued when a person is not eligible for motor vehicle insurance other than from a high-risk pool. CHAIRMAN LEMAN asks if anyone else wishes to testify on HB 299. The chairman states it is his intent to move the bill today. Number 297 SENATOR MILLER makes a motion to discharge HB 299 from the Senate State Affairs Committee with individual recommendations. CHAIRMAN LEMAN, hearing no objection, orders HB 299 released from committee with individual recommendations.
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