Legislature(2001 - 2002)
04/11/2002 10:38 AM Senate RLS
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATOR COWDERY moved to calendar SB 354-PRICES PAID BY MILK PROCESSING PLANTS at the Chairman's discretion. SENATOR ELLIS objected and asked for an explanation of the measure. MS. JANE WINEINGAR, staff to Senator Green, sponsor, stated that SB 354 will enable farmers to be paid a fair price for milk. Pricing will be based on the quality of milk, which depends on many variables such as the butterfat content. Many states have similar legislation. SENATOR ELLIS asked why it is necessary for the State of Alaska to weigh in to the private sector market considerations for the price of milk. MS. WINEINGAR said Matanuska Maid is the only processing plant in the state so the farmers only have one choice of where to sell, and that plant is state-owned. SENATOR ELLIS said maybe the fact that the State of Alaska owns a dairy is a problem. He asked why the State is in the milk business. SENATOR COWDERY commented that in his youth, he hauled milk from the Matanuska Valley. At that time, two dairies were operating in the Valley. Some dairy farms had jerseys or cows that produced milk with a higher butterfat content. He took samples of every day's production to determine the price. He believes that the importance of the quality of milk is no different than the quality of oil. He stated strong support for the bill. SENATOR COWDERY repeated his motion to calendar SB 354 and its accompanying zero fiscal note at the Chairman's discretion. SENATOR ELLIS removed his objection, therefore the motion carried.
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