Legislature(2001 - 2002)

04/08/2002 10:38 AM Senate RLS

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATOR COWDERY moved to calendar  HJR 33-SUPPORT WAR ON TERRORISM                                                          
& SUPPORT PEACE at the Chairman's discretion.                                                                               
SENATOR ELLIS objected and expressed  concern about the use of the                                                              
word "war"  since Congress has not  officially declared a  war. He                                                              
asked if another  word could be substituted and whether  that is a                                                              
point of concern for anyone else.                                                                                               
SENATE  THERRIAULT informed  members  that when  the Senate  State                                                              
Affairs Committee heard  HJR 33, it was his feeling  that the term                                                              
"war on terrorism" is the phrase used by the general population.                                                                
SENATOR ELLIS asked if it is being  used as a commonly used phrase                                                              
and not in reference to an official war declared by Congress.                                                                   
MR.  RICHARD  SCHMITZ,  staff to  Representative  James,  sponsor,                                                              
explained that  it is the term used  by President Bush  and it has                                                              
becomes  a lexicon,  similar  to  the war  on  drugs.  He said  he                                                              
believes it is meant to apply to  the total process, whether it be                                                              
the military action in Afghanistan or diplomacy.                                                                                
SENATOR  ELLIS  thanked  Mr. Schmitz  for  the  clarification  and                                                              
removed his objection.                                                                                                          
CHAIRMAN PHILLIPS announced HJR 33 would be calendared.                                                                         

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