Legislature(2001 - 2002)
04/20/2001 10:50 AM Senate RLS
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
VICE-CHAIRMAN COWDERY announced that a Senate Rules Committee substitute (Version T) to SB 4-MUNICIPAL PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION was before the committee. SENATOR THERRIAULT, sponsor of SB 4, explained that Section 1 of the Senate Finance Committee version of SB 4 allowed local governments to assess property taxes on a part-year basis when senior citizens who qualify for a property tax exemption sell that property to a person who doesn't qualify. However, that provision will create timing problems for his borough because right now the assessments and taxes are determined once per year. Section 1 would kick off a process in which that valuation would have to happen at different times of the year. That section was dropped from Version T. VICE-CHAIRMAN COWDERY asked if the annual assessed value remains regardless of sales. SENATOR THERRIAULT said that is correct and that the status quo will be maintained. A person who buys property from a senior citizen will get the benefit of the senior's property assessment until the end of that tax year. That section was more problematic for local governments than it was worth. He explained that another section of the Senate Finance version would have inadvertently impacted the local governments that give 100 percent of the $10,000 property tax exemption that is currently in statute. The Senate Finance version provided for 20 percent or less of the value of the property and would have actually increased some people's property taxes. That was not the committee's intent. Version T ensures that the existing $10,000 exemption is not impacted by this legislation. It provides for an additional tax exemption if local governments choose to exercise it. SENATOR THERRIAULT moved to adopt Version T as the working document of the committee and to move it for the purpose of calendaring. There being no objection, the motion carried.
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