Legislature(2021 - 2022)BUTROVICH 205
03/04/2022 03:30 PM Senate RESOURCES
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Audio | Topic |
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Presentation(s): Alaska Gas & Lng Advisory by Gaffneycline | |
SJR24 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SJR 24-END IMPORT OF O&G FROM RUSSIA 5:03:35 PM CHAIR REVAK reconvened the meeting and announced the consideration of SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 24 Urging President Biden's Administration and the United States Congress to use the oil and gas resources of the state to offset the loss of imported oil and to increase oil and gas production in this state and other energy-producing states to fortify the economy and security of the nation. CHAIR REVAK thanked the members for working with his office to improve the resolution. He said it shows that protecting democracy and democratic ideals abroad is a bipartisan issue. He solicited a motion to adopt the committee substitute (CS). 5:04:13 PM SENATOR KIEHL moved to adopt the work draft committee substitute (CS) for SJR 24, work order 32-LS1619\B, as the working document. CHAIR REVAK objected for discussion purposes. He stated that the committee worked together on the resolution and the CS makes small changes to strengthen the message. 5:04:54 PM CHAIR REVAK removed his objection. Finding no further objection, the committee substitute for SJR 24, version B, was adopted. CHAIR REVAK said he believes the speech he made on the floor was clear but he wanted to reiterate the importance of moving away from depending on resources that are produced in authoritarian regimes that have no regard for the environment, public safety or human life as has been very clearly seen this last week in Ukraine. He read the following RESOLVES, and noted there may be an amendment. BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature urges President Biden's Administration and the United States Congress to allow the nation to use the oil and gas resources currently available in the state to offset the loss of imported oil; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature urges President Biden's Administration and the United States Congress to unleash national production in this state and other energy-producing states to fortify the economy and security of the nation. 5:06:39 PM CHAIR REVAK opened public testimony on SJR 24. 5:07:05 PM MIKE COONS, representing self, Palmer, Alaska, testified in support of SJR 24. He stated that Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine for power and oil. He is a dictator and tyrant whereas President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine is the lone "good guy." He noted that Hungary, Rumania, and Poland were taking in refugees. [Recording is garbled.] 5:09:17 PM CHAIR REVAK closed public testimony on SJR 24. He asked if there were amendments. 5:09:27 PM SENATOR MICCICHE moved Conceptual Amendment 1 to SJR 24. CONCEPTUAL AMENDMENT 1 Page 2, line 22: Delete "this" Insert "a" Page 2, line 22, following "state" Insert "recognized as a global leader and best in class in environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, that" CHAIR REVAK objected for an explanation. SENATOR MICCICHE stated that the conceptual amendment includes what the Chair mentioned in his speech on the Senate floor about the superiority of Alaskan production. SENATOR MICCICHE read the WHEREAS with the conceptual amendment. WHEREAS, because development sites around Alaska hold the potential of billions of barrels of oil, oil and gas produced in a state recognized as a global leader and best in class in environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, that can fill the void left from stopping Russian Federation imports, thereby eliminating national dependence on authoritarian energy producers abroad; 5:11:22 PM CHAIR REVAK described the conceptual amendment as friendly and removed his objection. Finding no further objection, Conceptual Amendment 1 to SJR 24 was adopted. CHAIR REVAK found no questions or comments and solicited a motion. 5:11:58 PM SENATOR MICCICHE moved to report the SJR 24(RES), work order 32- LS1619\B, as amended, from committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note(s). CHAIR REVAK found no objection and CSSJR 24(RES) was reported from the Senate Resources Standing Committee.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |
Gaffney Cline Alaska LNG Presentation 3.4.22.pdf |
SRES 3/4/2022 3:30:00 PM |