Legislature(2009 - 2010)BUTROVICH 205
02/03/2010 03:30 PM Senate RESOURCES
Audio | Topic |
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SB195 | |
SB104 | |
HB20 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SB 195-MAKE GOLDSTREAM PUBLIC USE AREA PERMANENT 3:35:52 PM CO-CHAIR WIELECHOWSKI announced SB 195 to be up for consideration. SENATOR THOMAS, sponsor of SB 195, explained that the Goldstream Public Use Area (GPUA) was first established by Senator Bettye Fahrenkamp and Representative Mike Davis in 1990 in order to preserve the recreational opportunities, traditional uses and atmosphere of the local neighborhoods. He emphasized that this measure is not repealing the establishment of the GPUA, but rather it is a repeal of the sunset that was placed on it when it was originally put in place. He said it is scheduled to sunset on July 1, 2010 unless SB 195 is passed this session. He said GPUA encompasses nearly 2000 acres of state land bordered by Sheep Creek Rd. to the east, Goldstream Rd. to the north and the Steese Highway to the west. This is home to an ever-growing network of trails that connect users to the Chatanika River Valley and White Mountains in the Fairbanks area all from location central to the Fairbanks population base. It is passively managed by the state and trails are maintained by volunteers at no cost to taxpayers. He said that all uses are allowed in the GPUA and it is used year-round. 3:38:13 PM The repeal of the GPUA's sunset clause is actively supported by the Alaska Outdoor Council, Alaska Dog Mushing Association, Alaska Miners Association, Nordic Ski Club of Fairbanks, Alaska Trapper's Association, Skijoring and Polk Association, Fairbanks Snow Travelers, Northern Area State Parks Advisory Board, Fairbanks North Star Borough Trails Advisory Board, Alaska Trails, Interior Trails Preservation Coalition, Interior Alaska Land Trust, Arctic Audubon Society, and the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner. He said their packets include nearly 100 letters of support from people who use the area. 3:40:30 PM SENATOR FRENCH asked if anyone is opposed to this. SENATOR THOMAS replied no. 3:41:08 PM JENNIFER YUHAS, Legislative Liaison, Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), said the department supported SB 195. She said the GPUA area's model works well; it serves both consumptive and non-consumptive users, motorized and non-motorized, and they would like to see it used more often. 3:41:56 PM DICK MYLIUS, Director, Division of Mining, Land and Water, Department of Natural Resources (DNR), supported SB 195. He said GPUA is entirely managed by his division and mentioned that it is open to mining. It has been a success. The biggest impact of a public use area designation, he stated, is that it guarantees that the land will remain in state ownership. So the one use that isn't allowed is land sales - one of the original intents of the bill. 3:42:48 PM SENATOR WAGONER joined the committee. 3:42:54 PM RICHARD BISHOP, representing himself, Fairbanks, Alaska, supported SB 195. He said he lives about two miles as the Raven flies from the Goldstream Valley. He was involved in the original proposal for the GPUA in 1989 when it came to his and others' attention that the Valley's access was threatened with deterioration due to the breakup of homesteads and the potential for state land disposals in that area. He said the area lies in a broad flat area of the Valley that is largely underlain by permafrost. So it didn't turn out to be very good for homesteading or for structures. Yet there was quite a bit of interest in the state making land available for homes and other development. It appeared that these lands would be put up for disposal which would interfere with traditional public uses of the area. One of the things they tried to emphasize is to not preclude uses that had been traditionally carried on there as long as they were consistent with the purposes of the public use area which were to provide access for the public and maintain the fish and wildlife habitats, which were very good. Twenty years of use have shown it to be a wonderful asset; it is largely self sustaining and is widely used by all the uses Senator Thomas mentioned. CO-CHAIR WIELECHOWSKI thanked everyone for their testimony, and finding no further testimony announced that SB 195 would be held.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |
SB 104 Bill Packet.pdf |
SRES 2/3/2010 3:30:00 PM |
SB 104 |
SB 195 - Bill Packet.pdf |
SRES 2/3/2010 3:30:00 PM |
SB 195 |