Legislature(2003 - 2004)
04/16/2003 03:34 PM Senate RES
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SB 151-REGULATION OF NATURAL GAS PIPELINES CHAIR OGAN informed members that he and Senator Wagoner met with Jack Chenoweth, legal adviser on oil and gas issues, who pointed out the trend in the Lower 48 is to use contract pipelines. SENATOR TOM WAGONER, sponsor of SB 151, informed members that Mr. Chenoweth differentiated between common carriers and contract lines and said that during the last two years, contract lines are becoming more common. He told members, regarding a question that came up at the last hearing, the line is currently at 63 percent capacity with gas that has already been discovered and gas that is expected to be discovered prior to the start of operation of the pipeline. The pipeline can be expanded to take an equal amount of gas to provide capacity for contract with other exploration companies. SENATOR ELTON asked if the committee will be taking public testimony on this legislation today. CHAIR OGAN indicated that no one signed up to testify at this time. MR. BEN SCHOFFMANN, Marathon Oil Company, informed members that he was available to answer questions. CHAIR OGAN indicated there were no questions from committee members. SENATOR WAGONER moved CSSB 151(RES), Version D, from committee with individual recommendations and its attached fiscal notes. CHAIR OGAN announced that without objection, the motion carried.
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