Legislature(2023 - 2024)BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)

03/13/2024 01:30 PM Senate LABOR & COMMERCE

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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Moved SB 234 Out of Committee
-- Invited & Public Testimony --
Heard & Held
-- Invited & Public Testimony --
-- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --
Heard & Held
-- Invited & Public Testimony --
**Streamed live on AKL.tv**
             SB 234-EXTEND MARIJUANA CONTROL BOARD                                                                          
1:33:26 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  BJORKMAN announced  the consideration  of SENATE  BILL NO.                                                               
234,  "An  Act  relating  to the  Marijuana  Control  Board;  and                                                               
providing for an effective date."                                                                                               
1:33:51 PM                                                                                                                    
KONRAD  JACKSON,  Staff,  Senator Jesse  Bjorkman,  Alaska  State                                                               
Legislature, Juneau,  Alaska, explained  that SB 234  proposes to                                                               
extend  the Marijuana  Control  Board (MCB)  by  three years.  He                                                               
reminded the  committee that concerns  put forth by  the Division                                                               
of Legislative  Audit were  discussed at  a previous  hearing and                                                               
added  that representatives  from Legislative  Audit, the  Alaska                                                               
Alcohol  and  Marijuana  Control   Office  (AMCO)  and  MCB  were                                                               
available for questions.                                                                                                        
1:34:46 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  BJORKMAN  noted that,  in  response  to questions  at  the                                                               
previous hearing,  Director Wilson would be  discussing the issue                                                               
of board vacancies.                                                                                                             
1:35:10 PM                                                                                                                    
JOAN  WILSON,  Director,  Alaska Alcohol  and  Marijuana  Control                                                               
Office  (AMCO), Department  of Commerce,  Community and  Economic                                                               
Development (DCCED),  Anchorage, Alaska,  said that she  would be                                                               
discussing vacancies  for the  public health  seat and  the rules                                                               
seat and  shared her understanding  that the other  positions are                                                               
fully  staffed. She  explained that  the public  health seat  was                                                               
vacant between February 28, 2021,  and August 19, 2021. The rules                                                               
seat was vacant from May 2021 until January 2022.                                                                               
1:36:23 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR BJORKMAN opened public testimony on SB 234.                                                                               
1:36:52 PM                                                                                                                    
BAILEY   STUART,  Owner,   Stuart  Consulting,   Palmer,  Alaska,                                                               
testified in  support of SB 234.  She gave a brief  background on                                                               
her  experience in  the cannabis  industry. She  stated that  her                                                               
work  in the  industry allows  her to  understand the  regulatory                                                               
work that needs to  be done. She noted that there  is a new state                                                               
licensing system under development  that would streamline license                                                               
applications  and   renewals.  She  pointed  out   that  this  is                                                               
currently done with  paper and excel spreadsheets  and added that                                                               
it will  take time to  implement the  new system. She  stated her                                                               
support  for extending  MCB. The  three-year extension  would put                                                               
MCB  in line  with  the Alcoholic  Beverage  Control Board  (ABC)                                                               
which would  further streamline the  work done by  the Department                                                               
of  Commerce, Community  and  Economic  Development (DCCED).  She                                                               
emphasized  that, should  MCB sunset,  the AMCO  office would  no                                                               
longer be authorized to operate  the marijuana licensing program.                                                               
She acknowledged that  more work needs to be done  in the area of                                                               
licensing and pointed out concerns  that arose when marijuana was                                                               
first legalized  ten years ago.  While unfounded,  these concerns                                                               
resulted in overregulation  of the industry - which  MCB has been                                                               
working   to  remedy.   She  briefly   discussed  hemp   and  its                                                               
relationship to  marijuana and expressed concerns  about the sale                                                               
of  intoxicating  hemp  products  and  emphasized  the  need  for                                                               
regulation. She noted  that there are also issues  related to the                                                               
import  of products  and  underscored the  importance  of MCB  in                                                               
addressing these issues.                                                                                                        
1:40:34 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR BJORKMAN closed public testimony on SB 234.                                                                               
1:40:46 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR BJORKMAN solicited the will of the committee.                                                                             
1:40:49 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR  GRAY-JACKSON moved  to  report SB  234,  work order  33-                                                               
LS1358\A,  from  committee  with individual  recommendations  and                                                               
attached fiscal note(s).                                                                                                        
1:41:10 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR BJORKMAN  found no objection  and SB 234 was  reported from                                                               
the Senate Labor and Commerce Standing Committee.                                                                               

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
SB146 ver A.PDF SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 146
SB146 Transmittal Letter 05.09.23.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 146
SB146 Sectional Analysis.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 146
SB146 Fiscal Note-DOR-TAX-05-09-23.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 146
SB219 v. A.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SL&C 4/8/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB219 Sponsor Statement.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SL&C 4/8/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB219 Sectional Analysis v. A.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SL&C 4/8/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB219 Fiscal Note-DCCED-DOI-03.08.24.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SL&C 4/8/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB219 Supporting Documents-Prior Authorization Issue Brief.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB219 Supporting Documents-RRC Survey Data.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB219 Supporting Documents-AMA Survey Data.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB219 Supporting Documents-State Law Chart.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB219 Public Testimony-Letter of Opposition-Premera 02.12.24.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB219 Public Testimony-Letter of Opposition-AHIP 03.08.24.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB219 Public Testimony-Letter of Opposition-AETNA 02.15.24.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB219 Public Testimony-Letter of Support-AHHA 02.07.24.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB219 Public Testimony-Letter of Support-ANTHC 02.28.24.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB219 Public Testimony-Letter of Support-MSRMC 02.21.24.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB219 Public Testimony-Letter of Support-Providence 02.27.24.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB146 Presentation to SLAC 03.13.24.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 146
SB219 Public Testimony-Community Oncology Alliance 03.13.24.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 219
SB146 Combined Public Testimony as of 03.11.24.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 146
SB146 Presentation by Mary Magnuson to SLAC 03.13.24.pdf SL&C 3/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 146