Legislature(2023 - 2024)BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)
03/04/2024 01:30 PM Senate LABOR & COMMERCE
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Audio | Topic |
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SB154 | |
SB102 | |
SB257 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SB 102-REFUSE UTILITY REGULATIONS 1:50:12 PM CHAIR BJORKMAN reconvened the meeting and announced the consideration of SENATE BILL NO. 102, "An Act relating to refuse utility rates and Regulatory Commission of Alaska regulations regarding refuse utilities; and providing for an effective date." 1:50:34 PM SENATOR ROBERT MYERS, District Q, Alaska State Legislature, Juneau, Alaska, sponsor of SB 102. He paraphrased the sponsor statement for SB 102: [Original punctuation provided.] SB 102 - Sponsor Statement REFUSE UTILITY REGULATIONS "An Act relating to refuse utility rates and Regulatory Commission of Alaska regulations regarding refuse utilities; and providing for an effective date." The Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA) is an independent, quasi-judicial regulatory body that was formed by the legislature in 1999 to replace the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. The RCA is charged with regulating public utilities and pipeline services. Among these regulated utilities are refuse waste collection providers throughout the state. Unfortunately, due to workload and protracted legal processes it has been the experience of some refuse utility providers that rate filings have taken years consuming a large number of resources for both the companies and the RCA. The prolonged filling process has also led to consumer price shock due to the time lapse between the refuse utilities filling years and when new rates take effect. SB 102 streamlines the rate adjustment process for refuse utilities by allowing them to make use of the already existing simplified rate filing procedure. This procedure allows utilities to apply for rate adjustments over a specified period, provided they meet certain regulatory requirements. The RCA will be required to adopt specific regulations tailored to the unique nature of refuse utilities. These regulations will include provisions for sufficient public notice and meaningful opportunities for ratepayers to comment on rate filings. By doing so, the bill promotes transparency and accountability in the rate-setting process, safeguarding the interests of both consumers and utility providers. SB 102 establishes a balanced approach to regulating refuse utility rates in Alaska, prioritizing fairness, transparency, public participation, and expediency. 1:52:17 PM DAWSON MANN, Staff, Senator Robert Myers, Alaska State Legislature, Juneau, Alaska, presented the sectional analysis for SB 102: [Original punctuation provided.] SB 102 v. A Sectional Analysis REFUSE UTILITY REGULATIONS "An Act relating to refuse utility rates and Regulatory Commission of Alaska regulations regarding refuse utilities; and providing for an effective date." Section 1: Page 1, Lines 4-14, Page 2, Lines 1-4 This section amends AS 42.05.381(e) to include refuse utilities. AS 42.05.381(e) is the section of statutes that provides for a simplified rate filing procedure. This section also outlines that the Regulatory Commission of Alaska shall adopt regulations specific to refuse utilities to provide sufficient public notice and time for ratepayers to meaningfully comment on rate filings. Section 2: Page 2, Line 5 This section establishes an immediate effective date. 1:53:19 PM SENATOR DUNBAR noted that not all waste companies are regulated by the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA) and asked if SB 102 would change this. 1:53:44 PM SENATOR MYERS replied that SB 102 would not change which waste companies are regulated; rather, an existing regulatory process would be applied to waste companies. 1:54:01 PM SENATOR DUNBAR asked if Solid Waste Services (SWS) has any expressed any views on SB 102. 1:54:29 PM MR. MANN deferred to RCA representatives to speak to the relationship between RCA and municipal trash collection. 1:55:00 PM ROBERT DOYLE, Chair, Regulatory Commission of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska, answered questions on SB 102. He said that RCA does not regulate specific landfills but does regulate refuse utilities. He stated that this process is straightforward and simple. He explained that this will avoid costs and save and/or reduce time consuming processes and make moderate adjustments. He added that the maximum is controlled can only be increased 8 percent in 12 months or 20 percent in 36 months. For telecoms, this would be 6 percent in 12 months and 15 percent over 36 months. This would keep the size of the increase down. This is a result of the public comment process. He reiterated that RCA regulates the refuse collection utilities but does not regulate the landfills. 1:56:24 PM SENATOR DUNBAR commented that SWS is unique in that it is both the collection utility and the landfill. He questioned how SWS would be impacted by this legislation. 1:56:44 PM MR. DOYLE replied that SWS would be impacted as a regulated entity for the refuse collection portion of the business. He noted that SWS could apply as for simplified rate filing (SRF). He clarified that for any business entity, SB 102 would only apply to the refuse collection portion. 1:57:16 PM SENATOR GRAY-JACKSON sought clarification that SB 102 is adding refuse utilities to the list of cooperatives and utilities that are regulated by the RCA. 1:57:31 PM SENATOR MYERS clarified that refuse utilities are already regulated by RCA. He explained that SB 102 would allow these utilities to use a simplified rate-filing process. He noted that electrical cooperatives already use this service. 1:58:00 PM CHAIR BJORKMAN referred to subsection (e) and asked if RCA currently regulates local exchange telephone utilities. 1:58:25 PM MR. DOYLE replied yes and clarified that many of these utilities are regulated. He gave an example of a regulated utility in Kotzebue. He said that there are local exchange carriers (LEC) and interstate carriers as well as interstate and intrastate carriers. He briefly noted the distinction between interstate and intrastate carriers. 1:59:07 PM CHAIR BJORKMAN asked if RCA wants to change the telephone utility language. 1:59:20 PM MR. DOYLE replied not to his knowledge. He explained that he was on the Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. board for 12 years and said that SRF filing is a straightforward process that is less time-consuming and costly. 2:00:25 PM CHAIR BJORKMAN opened public testimony on SB 102. 2:00:40 PM KURT FROENING, Division Vice President, Alaska Waste, Anchorage, Alaska, testified in support of SB 102. He said that the simplified rate-filing process would make it much easier to adjust rates to current market conditions. He explained that currently, this is a 450-day process; this means that by the time rate changes are enacted, the data and expenses have changed drastically. Additionally, he said that rate cases are expensive to prepare and added that the most recent rate case cost Alaska Waste close to half a million dollars to prepare. This cost is then passed along to ratepayers. He surmised that SB 102 would streamline this process and make it less expensive. He pointed out that this process is already in place for electrical cooperatives and local exchange telephone utilities; SB 102 would simply allow refuse utilities to also utilize this process. 2:02:31 PM CHAIR BJORKMAN held public testimony on SB 102 open. 2:02:53 PM CHAIR BJORKMAN opined that SB 102 is "common sense" and added that refuse utilities should be able to take advantage of this process. 2:03:00 PM CHAIR BJORKMAN held SB 102 in committee.