Legislature(2019 - 2020)BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)
02/11/2020 01:30 PM Senate LABOR & COMMERCE
Note: the audio and video recordings are distinct records and are obtained from different sources. As such there may be key differences between the two. The audio recordings are captured by our records offices as the official record of the meeting and will have more accurate timestamps. Use the icons to switch between them.
Audio | Topic |
Start | |
SB47 | |
SB76 | |
SB81 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SB 47-PHYSICAL/OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY BD/PRACTICE 1:54:14 PM CHAIR BISHOP announced the consideration of SENATE BILL NO. 47, "An Act relating to the State Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Board; relating to the practice of physical therapy; and relating to the practice of occupational therapy." He recapped that the committee heard the bill on February 6 [and adopted Version U committee substitute], public testimony was taken, and the fiscal note was discussed. Finding no questions or comments, he solicited a motion. 1:54:28 PM SENATOR STEVENS moved to report the CS for SB 47, work order 31- LS0109\U, from committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note(s). CHAIR BISHOP announced that without objection, CSSB 47(L&C) was reported from the Senate Labor and Commerce Standing Committee.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |
SB 81 Sponsor Statement ver M.pdf |
SL&C 2/11/2020 1:30:00 PM |
SB 81 |
SB 81 Sectional Analysis ver M.pdf |
SL&C 2/11/2020 1:30:00 PM |
SB 81 |
SB 81 DRAFT Fiscal Note DCCED-CBPL-02-07-2020.pdf |
SL&C 2/11/2020 1:30:00 PM |
SB 81 |
SB 81 Presentation.pdf |
SL&C 2/11/2020 1:30:00 PM |
SB 81 |
SB 81 Alaska telephone cooperative coverage map.pdf |
SL&C 2/11/2020 1:30:00 PM |
SB 81 |
SB 81 Letters and Resolutions 02-10-2020.pdf |
SL&C 2/11/2020 1:30:00 PM |
SB 81 |