Legislature(2015 - 2016)BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)
02/02/2016 01:30 PM Senate LABOR & COMMERCE
Note: the audio and video recordings are distinct records and are obtained from different sources. As such there may be key differences between the two. The audio recordings are captured by our records offices as the official record of the meeting and will have more accurate timestamps. Use the icons to switch between them.
Audio | Topic |
Start | |
SB125 | |
SB148 | |
Presentation: Department of Labor and Workforce Development Employment Efforts Related to the Gasline | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SB 148-EMPLOYER REPORT OF WORKPLACE INJURY/DEATH 1:54:20 PM CHAIR COSTELLO reconvened the meeting and announced the consideration of SB 148. HEIDI DRYGAS, Commissioner, Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD), introduced SB 148 on behalf of the administration. She read the following statement into the record: This legislation amends current workplace accident reporting requirements to include incidents that involve loss of an eye or amputation. These amendments are necessary to keep pace with federal workplace accident reporting standards that became effective January 1, 2015. Alaska operates an approved state plan under the federal Occupation and Safety Health Act of 1970, which requires that the state maintain standards that, at a minimum, meet the federal standards. AS 18.60.030(6) also establishes that Alaska will maintain requirements that are at least as effective as those adopted by the U.S. Department of Labor. Federal OSHA made changes to accident reporting requirements under federal regulation that took effect on January 1, 2015. The changes require prompt reporting of industrial accidents resulting in an amputation or loss of an eye. Federal OSHA has notified the State that failure to maintain equivalency could jeopardize federal funding and the State's jurisdiction over occupational safety and health. SB [148] does just that. 1:56:29 PM GREY MITCHELL, Director, Division of Labor Standards and Safety, Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD), introduced himself and offered to answer questions. CHAIR COSTELLO asked if the department currently keeps track of the information about Alaskans who have suffered amputation or the loss of an eye. MR. MITCHELL replied the department tracks the incidents through the Workers' Compensation Division, but there is no requirement to report to the Occupational Safety and Health Office for investigation purposes. But the incidents must be reported within 10 days, primarily to determine benefits under Workers' Compensation. This new reporting requirement will allow a quick, 8-hour, turnaround, primarily to investigate these more serious accidents. The idea is to address the causes of those accidents so they don't happen in the future. SENATOR STEVENS asked what happens to the information after it's collected. MR. MITCHELL replied the data is used internally for investigation purposes. It is not available to the public without a special request. SENATOR STEVENS asked if the department has to report to a federal agency. MR. MITCHEL answered that investigations are entered into a data base that is available to their federal counterparts. 1:59:32 PM CHAIR COSTELLO asked if he has a preference for a particular effective date. MR. MITCHELL replied sooner would be better than later. CHAIR COSTELLO stated her intention to work with the department on an immediate effective date. SENATOR STEVENS asked Mr. Mitchel if he was concerned about additional costs due to the investigations. MR. MITCHELL replied many of the accidents are already reported and a small percentage are evaluated for investigation purposes. For FY2015, there were 39 amputation incidents reported to Workers' Compensation and zero loss of eye incidents. The numbers aren't expected to be huge, he said. 2:02:20 PM CHAIR COSTELLO opened public testimony. Finding none, she closed it and held SB 148 in committee.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |
SB 125.PDF |
SL&C 2/2/2016 1:30:00 PM |
SB 125 |
SB 125 - Fiscal Note.pdf |
SL&C 2/2/2016 1:30:00 PM |
SB 125 |
SB 125 - AGDC Board Roster.pdf |
SL&C 2/2/2016 1:30:00 PM |
SB 125 |
SB 148.pdf |
SL&C 2/2/2016 1:30:00 PM |
SB 148 |
SB 148 - Transmittal Letter.pdf |
SL&C 2/2/2016 1:30:00 PM |
SB 148 |
SB 148 - Sectional Analysis.pdf |
SL&C 2/2/2016 1:30:00 PM |
SB 148 |
SB 148 - Fiscal Note - DOLWD.pdf |
SL&C 2/2/2016 1:30:00 PM |
SB 148 |
2016.02.02 - DOLWD Workforce Planning Pamphlet.PDF |
SL&C 2/2/2016 1:30:00 PM |
2016.02.02 - DOLWD Presentation.pdf |
SL&C 2/2/2016 1:30:00 PM |
2016.02.02 - Legislative Membership State Boards and Commissions.pdf |
SL&C 2/2/2016 1:30:00 PM |
2016.02.02 AGDC Board for AK Boards & Commissions.pdf |
SL&C 2/2/2016 1:30:00 PM |
SB 125 - Sponsor Statement.pdf |
SL&C 2/2/2016 1:30:00 PM |
SB 125 |