Legislature(2015 - 2016)BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)
02/17/2015 01:30 PM Senate LABOR & COMMERCE
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Audio | Topic |
Start | |
Overview: Alaska Maritime Workforce Development Plan | |
SB41 | |
SB33 | |
SB34 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SB 33-FEES FOR TIRES 2:18:20 PM CHAIR COSTELLO reconvened the meeting and announced the consideration of SB 33. "An Act relating to remittance of tire fees; and providing for an effective date." She noted that the bill was introduced at the request of the governor. 2:19:39 PM ANNA KIM, Chief of Revenue Operations, Tax Division, Department of Revenue (DOR), introduced SB 33 explaining that the bill would change the deadline for venders to pay the tire fees they collected. Tire fee payments currently are due 30 days following the last day of the calendar quarter but that has caused confusion because three of those quarters have months with 31 days. The bill proposes to align the due date to submit the fees with the end of the month. She provided the following sectional analysis: Section 1 changes the quarterly payment due dates to the last day of the calendar month. Section 2 aligns the payment date used to determine timely pay credit with the new due dates in Section 1. Section 3 applies the due date changes to the first calendar quarter after the date of the Act. Section 4 provides an immediate effective date. MS. KIM said the fiscal note is zero. 2:21:15 PM SENATOR STEVENS asked if there was any opposition. MS. KIM replied she didn't know of any and believes that taxpayers would appreciate more consistency. 2:21:40 PM BRANDON SPANOS, Deputy Director, Tax Division, Department of Revenue (DOR), stated that he was unaware of any opposition to the bill. The language in statute causes confusion which results in late filers. By filing one day late, the taxpayer loses up to a $900 credit and receives a five percent penalty for each 30- day period. The proposed change removes the ambiguity. 2:23:02 PM CHAIR COSTELLO closed public testimony and stated she would hold SB 33 for further consideration.