Legislature(1997 - 1998)
05/05/1998 03:07 PM Senate L&C
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
CSHB 474(RLS) - CERTIFY MUNICIPAL CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS CHAIRMAN LEMAN brought CSHB 474(RLS) before the committee as the next order of business. KEVIN JARDELL, staff counsel for the House Judiciary Committee, said the Alaska Police Standards Council contacted the committee and asked that they introduce legislation that would place a new section of officers called "municipal correctional officers" under their authority. By doing this, the Alaska Police Standards Council would have the ability to set minimum training standards and minimum hiring standards for municipal correctional officers. This would allow municipalities to hire less trained individuals to staff holding cells, which are currently staffed by full-time police officers. SENATOR KELLY if these people would be commissioned officers wearing badges and possessing firearms. LADDIE SHAW, Director, Alaska Police Standards Council, explained that these will not be gun carrying corrections officials. Their primary purpose is to be a jailer, and the standards they will be meeting are slightly less than a state correctional officer. SENATOR KELLY asked what retirement system these individuals would fall under. MS. KREITZER responded that they are employees of the municipality so they would be covered by whatever agreement the municipality already has in place for its public safety officers, not withstanding the fact that they are not peace officers. MR. SHAW explained it costs approximately $5,700 to train a police officer who is presently running the small jails, and it costs approximately $1,500 to train a municipal correctional officer who will be working for the same municipality in place of a police officer. A municipal correctional officer's salary would be based on that municipality's salary cost, which could be anywhere from $8 an hour to $12 an hour, but much less than a police officer. Number 433 CHAIRMAN LEMAN asked how many municipalities this legislation would apply to. MR. SHAW replied that it would apply to 15 municipalities, but it would not include Anchorage because it does not have a contract jail. SENATOR KELLY asked if this group of correctional officers would qualify for the 20-year and out provision under their retirement system. MS. KREITZER replied that if a municipality had such a provision in place for its employees, it would then be up to the municipality to make that decision. MR. SHAW added that if all of the jails were manned by municipal correctional officers, it would probably be less than 40 individuals for the entire state. There being no further testimony on CSHB 474(RLS), CHAIRMAN LEMAN stated the bill would be set aside until a quorum was reestablished. SENATOR MACKIE moved CSHB 474(RLS) be passed out of committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.
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