Legislature(2019 - 2020)BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)

04/08/2019 06:00 PM Senate JUDICIARY

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06:00:21 PM Start
06:00:45 PM SJR5
07:32:42 PM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
-- Please Note Time --
Heard & Held
-- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
           SJR 5-CONST. AM.:PERMANENT FUND & DIVIDEND                                                                       
6:00:45 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR HUGHES announced  that the only order of  business would be                                                               
SENATE  JOINT  RESOLUTION  NO. 5,  Proposing  amendments  to  the                                                               
Constitution  of  the State  of  Alaska  relating to  the  Alaska                                                               
permanent fund and the permanent fund dividend.                                                                                 
[CSSJR 5(STA) was before the committee.]                                                                                        
6:01:10 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR HUGHES  made opening  remarks and  advised that  the public                                                               
could submit written testimony to [email protected].                                                                   
6:02:22 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR HUGHES opened public testimony on SJR 5.                                                                                  
6:02:45 PM                                                                                                                    
KRISTEN BUSH,  representing herself, Eagle River,  stated that in                                                               
1976  voters overwhelmingly  approved a  constitutional amendment                                                               
to establish the permanent fund.  She offered her belief that any                                                               
changes  should come  before the  voters. She  said she  supports                                                               
placing the original  formula for the permanent  fund dividend in                                                               
the Constitution of the State of Alaska.                                                                                        
6:02:49 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR MICCICHE joined the meeting.                                                                                            
6:04:12 PM                                                                                                                    
DIANE HOLMES,  representing herself, Anchorage, said  that she is                                                               
in  opposition  to  SJR  5  because  it  would  adversely  affect                                                               
government services  such as troopers,  teachers, and  roads. She                                                               
offered her belief that the purpose  of the permanent fund was to                                                               
provide government  services. She  also spoke against  a spending                                                               
cap because future needs are unknown.                                                                                           
6:06:00 PM                                                                                                                    
CHRIS EICHENLAUB,  representing himself,  Eagle River,  said that                                                               
the state  is at this  juncture because lawmakers did  not follow                                                               
the law.  He said that  taking a  larger draw from  the permanent                                                               
fund would deplete it.                                                                                                          
6:07:08 PM                                                                                                                    
JOHN MORIN, representing himself,  Soldotna, testified in support                                                               
of SJR 5. He  said that Governor Hammond set up  the fund for the                                                               
6:07:35 PM                                                                                                                    
JOAN TRUETT,  representing herself, Big Lake,  said the permanent                                                               
fund  dividend needs  to be  placed  in the  Constitution of  the                                                               
State of  Alaska to keep everyone's  fingers out of the  pot. She                                                               
spoke in support  of the public voting on any  changes because it                                                               
is the people's money.                                                                                                          
6:08:12 PM                                                                                                                    
GLENN  HELKENN,  representing  himself,  Nenana,  said  that  the                                                               
permanent  fund dividend  needs  to be  protected and  government                                                               
needs to  get spending  "under reins" to  balance the  budget. He                                                               
said  he is  a  lifelong Alaskan.  The  permanent fund,  Alaska's                                                               
land, and revenues derived from them belong to the people.                                                                      
6:09:25 PM                                                                                                                    
TRACY APPELO,  representing himself,  Wasilla, said  the governor                                                               
wrote  a  meticulous  [resolution]  to protect  the  people.  She                                                               
echoed Ms. Bush's comments.                                                                                                     
6:10:45 PM                                                                                                                    
BETH  FREAD, representing  herself, Palmer,  said she  is of  two                                                               
minds on SJR 5. She said  she supports placing the permanent fund                                                               
in the Constitution  of the State of Alaska, but  she prefers the                                                               
2018 law. She  expressed support for public votes  on any further                                                               
changes to the permanent fund.                                                                                                  
6:11:53 PM                                                                                                                    
PATRICK   MAYER,   representing   himself,  Yakutat,   spoke   in                                                               
opposition to SJR  5 because the state cannot  pay full dividends                                                               
without  first meeting  its  financial  obligations. He  reminded                                                               
members that the Constitution of  the State of Alaska prioritized                                                               
funding public  education. He  cautioned against  dismantling the                                                               
state's  infrastructure. He  said  he is  a  35-year resident  in                                                               
6:13:03 PM                                                                                                                    
LYNETTE  CLARK, representing  herself, Fox,  spoke in  support of                                                               
SJR 5.  She said that since  the inception of the  permanent fund                                                               
dividend (PFD)  any change has been  voted on by the  public. She                                                               
said  she  supports  the   legislature  following  the  statutory                                                               
formula for  the PFD. She said  she does not want  any changes to                                                               
the PFD  without a public vote.  She asked members to  follow the                                                               
statutory formula for a full  PFD check as payment for subsurface                                                               
6:14:23 PM                                                                                                                    
HAYDEN   NEZILL,  representing   himself,  Fairbanks,   expressed                                                               
concern  that  embedding  the  permanent  fund  dividend  in  the                                                               
Constitution of the State of Alaska  would not give the state any                                                               
flexibility.  The  state has  elected  officials  [to make  these                                                               
decisions].  He  acknowledged  the  public pressure  to  pay  out                                                               
sizable PFDs. He  characterized the program as  a universal basic                                                               
income that benefits the lowest income population.                                                                              
6:16:09 PM                                                                                                                    
KATHY SWANSON, representing herself,  Juneau, spoke in support of                                                               
SJR 5 because  the people need it, especially  rural Alaskans due                                                               
to high fuel costs. She suggested  that those who do not need the                                                               
PFDs  can  donate them  to  the  state.  She stated  support  for                                                               
placing the  permanent fund dividend  in the Constitution  of the                                                               
State of Alaska.                                                                                                                
6:17:18 PM                                                                                                                    
RICHARD RUSSELL,  representing himself, Palmer, spoke  in support                                                               
of  SJR 5  because the  PFD program  should be  written into  the                                                               
Constitution of the State of Alaska.  He said that not just lower                                                               
income Alaskans  need the  dividend due  to the  current economic                                                               
state in Alaska.                                                                                                                
6:18:13 PM                                                                                                                    
FAYE SARREN,  representing herself,  Anchorage, spoke  in support                                                               
of SJR  5 because it  is the  people's money and  the legislature                                                               
has been  overspending. She emphasized  that it is  a "permanent"                                                               
6:20:16 PM                                                                                                                    
VALERIE PRINCE,  representing herself, Chugiak, spoke  in support                                                               
of SJR  5 because the people  of Alaska own the  resources of the                                                               
state.  Residents should  vote on  any changes  to the  permanent                                                               
fund dividend. She supported placing  the permanent fund dividend                                                               
in the Constitution of the State of Alaska and cutting spending.                                                                
6:21:53 PM                                                                                                                    
JAMES   SANTORO,  representing   himself,  Anchorage,   spoke  in                                                               
opposition to SJR 5 because  Alaska has been depleting its funds.                                                               
He  expressed concern  that the  state will  go into  a recession                                                               
under  the governor's  proposed budget.  He acknowledged  that no                                                               
one wants  to pay taxes, but  they want services. He  said Alaska                                                               
must take care of its old and young people first.                                                                               
6:22:53 PM                                                                                                                    
HERMAN  MORGAN,   representing  himself,   Aniak,  said   it  was                                                               
difficult to hear  testimony [on other hearings].  He offered his                                                               
belief that  the state needs  to give  the people the  money that                                                               
belongs to  them. He expressed  concern that the  legislature has                                                               
spent  the  state's  savings  and  now  it  is  going  after  the                                                               
permanent  fund. He  supported  cutting  government spending.  He                                                               
urged members not to take money  away from the people who need it                                                               
the most.                                                                                                                       
6:23:57 PM                                                                                                                    
TYLER DIAS, representing himself,  Wasilla, offered his belief it                                                               
was clear when the  permanent fund was set up that  it was not to                                                               
fund state government. He characterized  the legislature as going                                                               
after  the low-hanging  fruit. He  said that  the state  is still                                                               
putting money  into the permanent fund  each year. It would  be a                                                               
shame to change the formula.                                                                                                    
6:25:58 PM                                                                                                                    
BERT  HOUGHTALING,  representing  himself,  Big  Lake,  spoke  in                                                               
support of SJR 5. He  favored placing the permanent fund dividend                                                               
in the Constitution  of the State of Alaska. He  urged members to                                                               
keep their  hands off the  PFDs, replace  the crime bill,  not to                                                               
institute  new  taxes,  cap  the  budget, and  to  find  ways  to                                                               
restructure school districts into one large district.                                                                           
6:27:11 PM                                                                                                                    
GAEL MOTO,  representing herself, Ninilchik, spoke  in support of                                                               
SJR  5  because  the  original permanent  fund  dividend  formula                                                               
distributes funds  between the state  and its citizens.  She said                                                               
Alaska  citizens  own  the  mineral  rights  and  the  state  and                                                               
citizens  each get  50 percent.  She predicted  that if  a public                                                               
vote was  taken that  the majority  of the  people would  vote in                                                               
support of  maintaining the permanent  fund [dividend] as  it was                                                               
originally formulated.                                                                                                          
6:28:44 PM                                                                                                                    
JOHN  CHRISTENSEN,  representing  herself,  Ninilchik,  spoke  in                                                               
support of  SJR 5 because  state government wastes the  money. He                                                               
expressed concern  about the level of  education students receive                                                               
even though substantial  money is spent on education.  He said he                                                               
supports placing the permanent fund  dividend in the Constitution                                                               
of the State of Alaska.                                                                                                         
6:30:08 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR MICCICHE  said that  the committee is  here to  learn how                                                               
Alaskans feel  about SJR 5,  which is placing and  enshrining the                                                               
permanent  fund dividend  in  the Constitution  of  the State  of                                                               
Alaska in perpetuity.                                                                                                           
CHAIR  HUGHES agreed  that it  would be  helpful if  people would                                                               
focus their comments on SJR 5 and the permanent fund dividend.                                                                  
6:30:50 PM                                                                                                                    
GAIL  LIMBAUGH-MOORE, representing  herself,  Soldotna, spoke  in                                                               
support of SJR 5.                                                                                                               
6:31:13 PM                                                                                                                    
MIKE WIDMEY,  representing himself,  Big Lake,  said he  favors a                                                               
public vote  on the permanent  fund. He urged members  to protect                                                               
the  permanent fund  as envisioned  by Governor  Hammond and  the                                                               
legislature at  the time  of its inception.  He urged  members to                                                               
rein  in  spending. He  expressed  concern  that the  legislature                                                               
overspent  in the  last  10  years and  is  now  going after  the                                                               
people's share.                                                                                                                 
6:32:51 PM                                                                                                                    
JACK JOHNSON, representing himself,  North Pole, spoke in support                                                               
of SJR 5  to ensure that [the permanent fund  dividend] is placed                                                               
in the  Constitution of  the State of  Alaska. He  stated support                                                               
for limiting changes to the PFD by  a vote of the people. He said                                                               
legislators say they  support the PFD but vote the  other way. He                                                               
emphasized his desire to ensure that  the people of Alaska have a                                                               
6:34:16 PM                                                                                                                    
SCOTT  MACMANUS,   representing  himself,  Tok,  said   that  the                                                               
permanent  fund was  set up  to as  a means  to replace  the non-                                                               
renewable  resources   of  oil  with  a   renewable  resource  of                                                               
investments. It  was intended  to ensure  that services  would be                                                               
available to  Alaskans, including  funding for  education, senior                                                               
citizen services, and power cost  equalization (PCE) credits that                                                               
benefit  rural  Alaskans. He  said  the  permanent fund  was  not                                                               
intended to turn  Alaska into an entitlement  state. He expressed                                                               
concern  that  one  of  biggest   beneficiaries  is  the  federal                                                               
government. He reported that $150  million is paid to the federal                                                               
government in  the form of  taxes and  that money should  stay in                                                               
the state.                                                                                                                      
6:35:36 PM                                                                                                                    
KATIE  BOTZ,  representing  herself,   Juneau,  agreed  with  Mr.                                                               
MacManus that  the intention of  the PFD was to  fund government,                                                               
including  education,  the  Pioneer   Home,  medical,  and  other                                                               
services. She  said people get  a free  check that they  have not                                                               
earned, so she views it as an entitlement, which needs to stop.                                                                 
6:36:58 PM                                                                                                                    
ADAM  HEICKS, representing  himself, Homer,  quoted scripture  to                                                               
make his point  that justice would be served and  people would be                                                               
punished for their evil deeds.                                                                                                  
6:37:56 PM                                                                                                                    
LUKE   HOPKINS,  representing   himself,   Fairbanks,  spoke   in                                                               
opposition  to  SJR  5.  He   offered  his  belief  that  elected                                                               
officials representing Alaskans make  the appropriations from the                                                               
earnings  reserve account.  He  opposed placing  the  PFD in  the                                                               
Constitution of the State of Alaska.                                                                                            
6:39:05 PM                                                                                                                    
RAY SMITH,  representing himself,  Anchorage, offered  his belief                                                               
that people should  not trust politicians. He  said that families                                                               
need their  permanent fund dividends to  survive. He acknowledged                                                               
that he  could live without the  PFD. He said he  had some issues                                                               
with the  socialist aspect of the  program, but he felt  he could                                                               
get past  his concern. He said  that once you give  [the PFD out]                                                               
you cannot take it back.                                                                                                        
6:40:21 PM                                                                                                                    
REBECCA   DUNNE,  representing   herself,  Fairbanks,   spoke  in                                                               
opposition to  SJR 5.  She said she  supports a  universal income                                                               
tax  in principle,  but she  does not  want it  enshrined in  the                                                               
Constitution of the  State of Alaska. She said that  Alaska has a                                                               
representative   government  and   people  trust   their  elected                                                               
officials to  make budget decisions.  She expressed  concern that                                                               
[SJR 5] will cripple the legislature and bankrupt the state.                                                                    
6:41:27 PM                                                                                                                    
TANYA  LANGE, representing  herself, Kenai,  spoke in  support of                                                               
SJR 5. She  urged members to control government  spending and cut                                                               
programs.  She  offered her  belief  that  the  PFD needs  to  be                                                               
protected,  which  is  why Governor  Dunleavy  was  elected.  Any                                                               
changes must go to a public  vote. She also said that many people                                                               
count on the PFD to survive.                                                                                                    
6:42:34 PM                                                                                                                    
BARBARA  HANEY,  representing  herself,   North  Pole,  spoke  in                                                               
support of  SJR 5. She  stated she  is an economist.  She offered                                                               
her belief that the major  beneficiaries of the PFD are Alaskans.                                                               
During  the  election,  the  PFD  was  the  signature  issue  for                                                               
Governor Dunleavy, she said.                                                                                                    
6:43:36 PM                                                                                                                    
CARL NORMAN,  representing himself,  Seward, spoke in  support of                                                               
SJR 5.  He said  that he has  lived in Alaska  since 1951  and he                                                               
remembers what it  was like without the  permanent fund dividend.                                                               
He agreed  with the  governor that any  changes to  the permanent                                                               
fund need to be  put to a vote of the people.  The state has been                                                               
operating in a negative cash  flow, which leads to bankruptcy. He                                                               
said that  the state cannot fix  the problem by taking  the money                                                               
away from Alaskans since it is very important to Alaskans.                                                                      
6:45:12 PM                                                                                                                    
TERRY COTTON,  representing himself,  Homer, spoke in  support of                                                               
SJR 5.  He said that  the legislature has  consistently overspent                                                               
and  now  legislators  want  to  take  the  money  and  spend  it                                                               
irresponsibly. He said  he has been a resident since  1959 and he                                                               
supports the Constitution of the State of Alaska.                                                                               
6:46:07 PM                                                                                                                    
TIM STATON, representing himself,  Fairbanks, spoke in support of                                                               
SJR 5. He  offered his belief that it should  be enshrined in the                                                               
Constitution of the  State of Alaska. He  recalled former Senator                                                               
Al Adams said in  1982 that the intent was for  50 percent of the                                                               
income to  be distributed to the  people and not be  dependent on                                                               
other  uses. He  offered  his belief  that frivolous  [government                                                               
spending]  has caused  a recession  rather than  using the  money                                                               
6:47:20 PM}                                                                                                                   
BOB SWANSON,  representing himself,  Juneau, spoke in  support of                                                               
SJR 5.  He said that the  legislature will continue to  spend. He                                                               
stated support  for allowing the people  to decide by a  vote how                                                               
to spend it. He offered his  belief that the programs Alaskans do                                                               
not need  are the  true entitlements  whereas the  PFD represents                                                               
royalty money for the people.  He said he also supports repealing                                                               
Senate Bill 91.                                                                                                                 
6:48:26 PM                                                                                                                    
JAMES  SQUYRES, representing  himself,  Rural  Deltana, spoke  in                                                               
support of  SJR 5  as one of  the constitutional  amendments that                                                               
need to come before Alaskans.  He suggested the legislature could                                                               
improve  the cash  flow in  the  Percent of  Market Value  (POMV)                                                               
model  by  correcting  the inflation  proofing  calculation  from                                                               
applying  the inflation  rate to  the value  of the  principal to                                                               
more properly apply it to the cost basis of the principal.                                                                      
6:49:14 PM                                                                                                                    
JEFF MAY, representing himself, Wasilla,  spoke in support of SJR
5. He said he is a 25-year Alaska resident.                                                                                     
SANDY  MAY, representing  herself, Wasilla,  spoke in  support of                                                               
SJR 5. She said she is a 43-year resident of Alaska.                                                                            
6:49:58 PM                                                                                                                    
ELIZABETH  SWEET,  representing  herself, North  Pole,  spoke  in                                                               
support SJR 5. She  said that she counts on the  money to pay her                                                               
6:50:55 PM                                                                                                                    
JEFF NELTON,  representing himself, Wasilla, spoke  in support of                                                               
SJR 5. He  said he has lived  in Alaska for 30  years. He offered                                                               
his  belief  that  lawmakers  are stealing  the  money  that  was                                                               
rightly  given  to  the  people  of Alaska  and  they  should  be                                                               
prosecuted for it.                                                                                                              
6:51:52 PM                                                                                                                    
AMBER MANLEY,  representing herself,  Big Lake, spoke  in support                                                               
of SJR 5.                                                                                                                       
6:52:26 PM                                                                                                                    
SALLY JOHNSON, representing herself,  Palmer, spoke in support of                                                               
SJR  5. She  offered her  belief  that the  original formula  the                                                               
[late]  Governor  Hammond envisioned  for  the  PFD needs  to  be                                                               
placed in  the Constitution of  the State of Alaska.  She offered                                                               
her belief that  the legislature is stealing  the people's money.                                                               
She voiced support for spending cuts.                                                                                           
6:53:04 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAD WEMPLE,  representing himself,  Palmer, spoke in  support of                                                               
SJR 5. He  offered his belief that politicians who  want to steal                                                               
money  from   citizens  should   reconsider  their   actions.  He                                                               
characterized the voters as the  vocal majority who will vote out                                                               
legislators who  take Alaskans  money and  expand the  budget. He                                                               
described the state as spiraling out of control.                                                                                
6:54:36 PM                                                                                                                    
ROBERT JEWETT,  representing himself,  Wasilla, spoke  in support                                                               
of SJR 5. He said he has lived  in Alaska for nearly 50 years, so                                                               
he was living  in Alaska when [the late] Governor  Hammond set up                                                               
the fund for the people and  not for the bureaucracy to spend. He                                                               
said the  permanent fund dividend  touches every man,  woman, and                                                               
child and every  place in Alaska in a beneficial  way. He said he                                                               
could not envision anything government  could do that would equal                                                               
6:56:07 PM                                                                                                                    
TIM INEICHEN,  representing himself,  Anderson, spoke  in support                                                               
of SJR 5. He said that he and  his fianc? are rural Alaskans on a                                                               
fixed income.  They need the  permanent fund dividend to  pay for                                                               
propane  to heat  their cabin.  He  said Alaskans  must vote  and                                                               
voice how  that money is spent,  and it should not  be taken from                                                               
them by legislators and bureaucrats.                                                                                            
6:57:58 PM                                                                                                                    
CORY MARTIN, representing himself,  Chistochina, spoke in support                                                               
of SJR 5. He said that rural  communities count on the PFD to pay                                                               
their bills and survive. He offered  his belief that it should be                                                               
illegal for  politicians to take  this money from the  people. He                                                               
said that anything to  do with the PFD should be  voted on by the                                                               
people. He urged members to support SJR 5.                                                                                      
6:59:33 PM                                                                                                                    
ELYSE  GUTTENBERG,  representing  herself,  Fairbanks,  spoke  in                                                               
opposition to  SJR 5. She offered  her belief that this  does not                                                               
belong enshrined in  the Constitution of the State  of Alaska. If                                                               
this were to  pass, any change to  the PFD would need to  go to a                                                               
vote of the people. She said  it is more appropriate to stay with                                                               
the legislature.  Alaska has  a representative  government, which                                                               
has worked  fine. She  offered her  belief that  Alaska's elected                                                               
officials  do the  best that  they can.  The legislature  has the                                                               
flexibility to respond to the needs of the state, she said.                                                                     
7:01:04 PM                                                                                                                    
LINDA HANENBURG, representing herself,  Wasilla, spoke in support                                                               
of SJR  5. She  said that  people depend on  the PFD  to survive,                                                               
which helps them  pay medical bills and car repairs.  The cost of                                                               
living  is  high,  and  it  helps  to  alleviate  some  financial                                                               
pressure for people.                                                                                                            
7:02:29 PM                                                                                                                    
MANDY GERSHON,  representing herself,  Wasilla, spoke  in support                                                               
of SJR 5. She  offered her belief that it is  basically a tax and                                                               
a burden  for the poor and  the majority of the  people want this                                                               
[resolution.] She  said she has  been in Alaska since  before the                                                               
permanent  fund's inception.  She  said that  if the  legislature                                                               
wants to  initiate a tax  to do so  but not  on the backs  of the                                                               
poor. She  said the PFD should  be placed in the  Constitution of                                                               
the State of  Alaska because the people  cannot trust legislators                                                               
to  do  what needs  to  be  done,  including staying  within  the                                                               
7:03:55 PM                                                                                                                    
MARGUERITE SULTAN, representing herself,  Homer, spoke in support                                                               
of  SJR 5.  She and  her husband  have lived  in Alaska  for many                                                               
years. She  offered her belief  that [the late]  Governor Hammond                                                               
set up the permanent fund for  the people because it was best for                                                               
the state. She  said that government needs to learn  to use funds                                                               
more efficiently, effectively, and honestly.                                                                                    
7:04:43 PM                                                                                                                    
JOE ELROD, representing himself,  Glennallen, spoke in support of                                                               
SJR 5. He said he has lived in  Alaska for over 35 years. He said                                                               
he had  not read  the [resolution]. He  echoed what  other people                                                               
have said, noting that the  people voted for Governor Dunleavy to                                                               
restore the  PFD. He said that  the people own the  state because                                                               
the  resources  belong  to  the  people of  Alaska.  He  said  he                                                               
supports a full PFD.                                                                                                            
CHAIR HUGHES explained  how to find the language of  SJR 5 online                                                               
on BASIS.                                                                                                                       
7:06:08 PM                                                                                                                    
LYNN LOWRY,  representing herself,  Wasilla, spoke in  support of                                                               
SJR  5.  She  said she  is  a  new  resident  to Alaska  who  has                                                               
discovered that it is expensive to  live in Alaska. She said that                                                               
her husband works for the  Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).                                                               
The full  permanent fund dividend  will help them, she  said. She                                                               
offered her belief that legislators  are thieves and she said she                                                               
plans  to vote  them out.  In response  to Senator  Micciche, she                                                               
clarified that she has been living in Alaska for three years.                                                                   
7:08:12 PM                                                                                                                    
LAURA VANDAL,  representing herself, spoke  in support of  SJR 5.                                                               
She is  a seasonal employee and  senior in Alaska. She  said that                                                               
she and her family depend on the PFD to survive.                                                                                
7:09:13 PM                                                                                                                    
STEVEN MOORE,  representing himself, Fairbanks, spoke  in support                                                               
of SJR 5. He  said he is an older dad who can  no longer work. He                                                               
said  that the  permanent  fund dividend  is a  big  part of  his                                                               
income.  He  did  not believe  state  government  could  distribe                                                               
spending  equally among  Alaskans. However,  the Constitution  of                                                               
the State  of Alaska says  the money will be  distributed equally                                                               
to all Alaskans, which is why he is in full support of SJR 5.                                                                   
7:10:27 PM                                                                                                                    
KEN BROWN,  representing himself,  Soldotna, spoke in  support of                                                               
SJR  5. He  said that  he thinks  it is  time for  politicians to                                                               
listen. He said that people's eyes  are open, and they are wiser.                                                               
He cautioned that if necessary, the  people will vote the rest of                                                               
[the legislators] out.                                                                                                          
7:10:57 PM                                                                                                                    
SUSAN  PHILLIPS,   representing  herself,  Anchorage,   spoke  in                                                               
support of SJR  5. She said it is way  past time that legislators                                                               
do their  jobs and  quit stealing  from the  people. She  said if                                                               
they do not start listening to  the governor that the people will                                                               
vote them out.                                                                                                                  
7:11:49 PM                                                                                                                    
LYNDA PURVIS,  representing herself,  Fairbanks spoke  in support                                                               
of SJR 5. She said she  is very dismayed that legislators are not                                                               
moving forward to support Governor  Dunleavy because she supports                                                               
7:12:21 PM                                                                                                                    
MIKE ALEXANDER, representing himself,  Big Lake, spoke in support                                                               
of SJR 5.  He offered his belief that the  people deserve a right                                                               
to  vote.  He said  that  the  [permanent  fund] belongs  to  the                                                               
people.  He  expressed  concern that  the  legislature  would  be                                                               
missing  a chance  to put  $2 billion  into Alaska's  economy [if                                                               
they do not fully fund PFD]. He urged members to pass SJR 5.                                                                    
7:13:24 PM                                                                                                                    
LISA MOORE, representing herself,  Anchorage, spoke in support of                                                               
SJR 5.  She would  like the PFD  to be given  to the  people. She                                                               
said that  she supported the  governor because she would  like to                                                               
get  the budget  under control.  Alaska has  been in  a recession                                                               
while  other  states have  begun  to  prosper. She  supports  the                                                               
people [voting]  and not  the legislators  who have  often proven                                                               
that they are not responsible regarding state spending.                                                                         
7:14:23 PM                                                                                                                    
WILLIAMS  TWEED,   representing  himself,  Fairbanks,   spoke  in                                                               
support  of SJR  5. He  said that  the people  voted in  Governor                                                               
Dunleavy  and politicians  should  be following  what the  people                                                               
want. He  offered his belief  that government spending  should be                                                               
cut. He said  that the people need  the money, and do  not all go                                                               
on vacations with it.                                                                                                           
7:15:37 PM                                                                                                                    
TANYA KITKA,  representing herself,  Kodiak, spoke in  support of                                                               
SJR 5. She offered her belief  that the people should have a vote                                                               
and  enshrining the  PFD  in  the Constitution  of  the State  of                                                               
Alaska   would  depoliticize   it.   She   acknowledged  that   a                                                               
significant amount  of testimony has  occurred. She said  it felt                                                               
futile because  it seems that  the legislature  characterized the                                                               
choice  as being  either to  provide government  services or  the                                                               
PFD.  She  suggested  that  the  legislature  needs  to  be  more                                                               
innovative. She  cautioned against the legislature  hurting those                                                               
with the lowest incomes.                                                                                                        
7:17:08 PM                                                                                                                    
JIM CLARK,  representing himself, Fairbanks, spoke  in support of                                                               
SJR 5. He  said that he thinks it is  ridiculous that people must                                                               
call in  to support  this resolution. People  deserve a  right to                                                               
decide  what happens  to the  permanent fund  instead of  letting                                                               
legislators do what  they will, he said. He  urged legislators to                                                               
do what the people want, or they will lose their jobs.                                                                          
7:18:05 PM                                                                                                                    
TAMARA MCCOY, representing herself,  Kasilof, spoke in support of                                                               
SJR 5. She  offered her belief that the PFD  was intended for the                                                               
people, it should  stay with the people, and the  power should be                                                               
with the  people to vote. She  said people are counting  on their                                                               
senators to do the right thing.                                                                                                 
7:18:41 PM                                                                                                                    
WADE  HOTCHKISS,   representing  himself,  Anchorage,   spoke  in                                                               
support  of SJR  5.  He  offered his  belief  that people  should                                                               
always have a voice.                                                                                                            
7:19:23 PM                                                                                                                    
JEFFEREY  KNAUF,   representing  himself,  Anchorage,   spoke  in                                                               
support of  SJR 5. He said  it is important to  realize that this                                                               
is and  has always been the  people's money. He urged  members to                                                               
preserve  and  not  deviate  from  the  original  permanent  fund                                                               
dividend formula.                                                                                                               
7:20:14 PM                                                                                                                    
JOANNE  ROBITAILLE,  representing  herself, Ketchikan,  spoke  in                                                               
support of  SJR 5. She said  that she worked for  the legislature                                                               
when [the late] Governor Jay  Hammond made his speech about this.                                                               
She said the permanent fund dividend  was intended to go to every                                                               
man,  woman and  child to  be evenly  distributed throughout  the                                                               
state.  She said  that the  Constitution of  the State  of Alaska                                                               
should not be touched by the government.                                                                                        
7:21:10 PM                                                                                                                    
GREG COLLINS,  representing herself,  Homer, spoke in  support of                                                               
SJR 5.                                                                                                                          
CHAIR HUGHES said the audio  was difficult to hear. She confirmed                                                               
Mr. Collins was in support of SJR 5.                                                                                            
7:22:23 PM                                                                                                                    
RONALD BERNIER,  representing himself, Wasilla, spoke  in support                                                               
of SJR  5. He said that  he is a  business owner. He said  he has                                                               
nine children  and plans  to send  all nine  to college.  He said                                                               
needs  the money.  The program  was  designed for  the future  of                                                               
Alaska and the children.                                                                                                        
7:23:13 PM                                                                                                                    
SUZIE FLETCHER, representing herself,  Big Lake, spoke in support                                                               
of SJR  5. She offered  her belief  that in democracy  the people                                                               
should be  able to vote  on important  issues. She said  that she                                                               
supported Governor Dunleavy for her children and grandchildren.                                                                 
7:23:56 PM                                                                                                                    
KAREN PERRY,  representing herself, Chugiak, spoke  in support of                                                               
SJR 5.  She offered  her belief that  Alaska's mineral  rights is                                                               
the people's money. She said  that the government cannot simulate                                                               
the private sector by growing  government. She said that stealing                                                               
the people's money is  taxation without representation, including                                                               
money  that belongs  to Alaska's  children or  grandchildren. She                                                               
argued against  the testimony that government  is working because                                                               
the legislature has blasted through $29 billion of savings.                                                                     
7:25:12 PM                                                                                                                    
JANET JOHNSON, representing herself,  Palmer, spoke in support of                                                               
SJR  5.  She  supported  Governor Dunleavy.  She  said  that  she                                                               
expects her legislators to do what they were elected to do.                                                                     
7:25:53 PM                                                                                                                    
STEVE VIRGIN,  representing himself,  Soldotna, spoke  in support                                                               
of SJR 5. He  stated that in 1980 the state had  a budget of $1.5                                                               
billion, which  has changed significantly  and has surged  to $13                                                               
billion. He said  he is a lifelong Alaskan.  He expressed concern                                                               
that energy costs in Soldotna are high.                                                                                         
7:27:15 PM                                                                                                                    
THOMAS WILLIAMS, representing himself,  Chugiak, spoke in support                                                               
of SJR 5. He said he  supports Governor Dunleavy. He said the PFD                                                               
has not been an issue in  the past, until the former Governor and                                                               
the  legislature got  their  hands  on the  PFD.  He offered  his                                                               
belief that it  should never be anything the  legislature has any                                                               
control over,  that just  because the dollar  amount has  gone up                                                               
does not  give anyone the right  to take the money.  He said that                                                               
this issue should go before the people [for a vote].                                                                            
7:28:20 PM                                                                                                                    
DEAN CAMERY, representing himself,  Eagle River, spoke in support                                                               
of SJR  5. He  said he  is one  of 146,000  people who  voted for                                                               
Governor Dunleavy. He voted for him  to control the budget and to                                                               
restore the  PFD. He  said [the permanent  fund dividend]  is the                                                               
people's money  and they know better  how it should be  spent. He                                                               
offered his belief  that citizens need to do  everything in their                                                               
power to keep  the legislature's hands off the PFD.  He said that                                                               
the legislature must be forced to live within the state's means.                                                                
7:29:23 PM                                                                                                                    
KATHY PETERS, representing herself,  Glennallen, spoke in support                                                               
of SJR 5. She  said that the [PFD] should not be  up to the whims                                                               
of the  governor or  the legislature. She  said that  any changes                                                               
should be voted on by the people.                                                                                               
7:30:13 PM                                                                                                                    
EMILY   BECKER,  representing   herself,   Anchorage,  spoke   in                                                               
opposition to SJR 5. She  said that Governor Dunleavy was elected                                                               
by 51 percent, which is not  a mandate to change the Constitution                                                               
of  the  State   of  Alaska.  Instead,  she   relies  on  elected                                                               
legislators to make the right  decisions on critical matters. She                                                               
urged members not  to give up their power.  She acknowledged that                                                               
citizens will always say no to taxes  but will say yes to all the                                                               
things they  want. She  said that legislators  should be  free to                                                               
respond to  events and not be  constrained by placing the  PFD in                                                               
the Constitution  of the State  of Alaska. She  expressed concern                                                               
that  the PFD  has  become a  dangerous  entitlement that  people                                                               
think is more important than anything else.                                                                                     
7:31:49 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR HUGHES, after  first determining no one  wished to testify,                                                               
closed public testimony on SJR 5.                                                                                               
[SJR 5 was held in committee.]                                                                                                  

Document Name Date/Time Subjects