Legislature(2017 - 2018)BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)
03/27/2017 01:30 PM Senate JUDICIARY
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Audio | Topic |
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SB69 | |
HB24 | |
SB15 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SB 69-MISCONDUCT INVOLVING WEAPONS 5TH DEGREE 1:35:54 PM CHAIR COGHILL announced the consideration of SB 69. 1:37:31 PM BRIAN JUDY, Senior State Lobbyist, National Rifle Association (NRA), voiced concern with SB 69. He discussed the NRA's view that the existing language in AS 11.61.220 regarding misconduct involving weapons in the fifth degree is problematic. Specifically, it is the language dealing with the possession of concealed weapons. The bill doesn't resolve those concerns, it simply takes the existing language regarding carrying a concealed deadly weapon and extends it to inside a vehicle. He said it is the view of the NRA that the notification and seizure provision in the bill basically requires a person to surrender their Fourth Amendment rights by exercising their Second Amendment rights. He maintained that the existing statutory language "when contacted by a peace officer" is very broad and doesn't require the officer to have a lawful reason to detain the person. The NRA's view is that there should be reasonable suspicion or probable cause of unlawful activity before the process is triggered. Regarding immediately informing the peace officer of a firearm in a vehicle, the NRA's view is that it requires an individual to disregard a peace officer's initial request or command in order to first state that they have a firearm in the vehicle. "That's a recipe for escalating an otherwise peaceful encounter," he said. Regarding securing or seizing the firearm, it is the NRA's view that it inappropriately encourages the handling of the firearm and makes the situation more dangerous. MR. JUDY said there are also due process concerns with SB 69. A person may not be aware that they are required to inform, and they may not be aware that a firearm is in the vehicle. The bill also raises the question of what happens when a passenger has a firearm in a vehicle. He posited that people who aren't law abiding aren't going to comply with the notification requirement even if they're aware of the law. He cited the US v. Haynes ruling to support the position that those individuals could not be prosecuted under the provisions of the bill. MR. JUDY advised that he is working with counsel at the NRA headquarters on language to narrow the contacted by a peace officer language, the immediately inform, and to do away with the seizure requirement. 1:46:07 PM EARNST PRAX, representing himself, Fairbanks, Alaska, testified in opposition to SB 69. He said the bill is needless policy for the following reasons: 1) it entraps otherwise innocent Alaskans by criminalizing their failure to disclose legal behavior to a police officer; 2) it has the potential of reducing officer safety by escalating traffic stops; and 3) it furthers the law enforcement bias that the public is to be feared rather than trusted which does not engender good will among the public. He agreed with Mr. Judy's testimony and discussed those points. He questioned how the new language would affect law enforcement's search and seizure powers. He emphasized that the legislation isn't needed because police officers can already ask if there is a firearm in the car. He concluded that the data does not support the notion that SB 69 is needed to ensure police officer safety. CHAIR COGHILL requested he submit his testimony in writing. MR. PRAX agreed. 1:53:45 PM CHAIR COGHILL stated that he would hold SB 69 in committee.