Legislature(2001 - 2002)

05/20/2002 09:20 PM Senate JUD

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
         HB2001-REGULATORY COM. OF ALASKA: SUNSET & MISC                                                                    
CHAIRMAN TAYLOR informed members  that a work draft to HB 2001 was                                                              
prepared and that he would entertain a motion to adopt it.                                                                      
SENATOR  DONLEY  moved  to  adopt  the  work  draft  (labeled  22-                                                              
GH2111\F) as the proposed committee substitute.                                                                                 
CHAIRMAN  TAYLOR  announced  that without  objection,  the  motion                                                              
CHAIRMAN   TAYLOR   offered   Amendment  1,   which   corrects   a                                                              
typographical error on page 1, line  2; it changes the word "tack"                                                              
to "task." He  then noted that without objection,  Amendment 1 was                                                              
SENATOR THERRIAULT moved to insert  Section 1 [Sec.42.05.175] from                                                              
HB 2001 into the work draft [Amendment 2].                                                                                      
CHAIRMAN  TAYLOR explained  that  Section 1  takes in  all of  the                                                              
substantive matters on pages 1 (except  the title), 2, and through                                                              
line 7 of page 3.                                                                                                               
SENATOR DONLEY  asked if  the motion  includes a conforming  title                                                              
CHAIRMAN TAYLOR verified that it does.                                                                                          
SENATOR DONLEY  noted that Section 1  falls under the title  of HB
CHAIRMAN  TAYLOR  pointed out  that  the  title of  the  committee                                                              
substitute will have  to be redrafted and that  a title resolution                                                              
has passed.                                                                                                                     
SENATOR THERRIAULT stated, "If it takes a title change, yes."                                                                   
CHAIRMAN  TAYLOR   noted  that  with  no  further   discussion  or                                                              
objection to Amendment 2, it was adopted.                                                                                       
SENATOR THERRIAULT moved to adopt  Amendment 3, which would change                                                              
the date on page 1, lines 7-8 from  September 30, 2002 to June 30,                                                              
2003  and explained  that  the  change  would provide  a  one-year                                                              
CHAIRMAN TAYLOR objected to the adoption of Amendment 3.                                                                        
SENATOR  THERRIAULT pointed  out that the  Legislative Budget  and                                                              
Audit auditor recommended  the Regulatory Commission  of Alaska be                                                              
extended for  four years.  He noted that  because of  concern that                                                              
this issue  be revisited, it makes  sense to him to shorten  it to                                                              
one year, which he believes is acceptable.                                                                                      
The committee took a brief at-ease.                                                                                             
CHAIRMAN TAYLOR called  the meeting back to order  and requested a                                                              
roll call  vote on Amendment  3. The  committee took a  second at-                                                              
ease and upon  reconvening a roll call vote was  taken. The motion                                                              
to adopt  Amendment 3  failed with  Senators Donley, Cowdery,  and                                                              
Taylor opposed and Senators Therriault and Ellis in favor.                                                                      
SENATOR COWDERY  moved SCS HB 2001(JUD)  to the next  committee of                                                              
referral. There being no objection, the motion carried.                                                                         
There  being no  further business  to come  before the  committee,                                                              
CHAIRMAN TAYLOR adjourned the meeting.                                                                                          

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