Legislature(1997 - 1998)
05/07/1997 01:20 PM Senate JUD
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 50 BROADCASTING OF RAFFLES AND CLASSICS TOM MANNINEN , legislative aide to Representative Hodgins, sponsor of the measure, explained HB 50 removes the prohibition on broadcast advertising for legislatively-identified Classics. At present, the only Classics that are allowed to use broadcasting are fishing derbies. CHAIRMAN TAYLOR remarked the bill is self-explanatory, and does not expand the classics, but allows the legislatively-designated raffles the opportunity to advertise on public radio. MR. MANNINEN clarified HB 50 gives the Classics the opportunity to use broadcast advertising. CHAIRMAN TAYLOR asked if that includes all forms of media. MR. MANNINEN explained it would allow groups to use broadcast advertising, but not to conduct charitable gaming activity when using it. Number 076 SENATOR MILLER expressed concern about HB 50 because of his opposition to gaming legislation. He stated although HB 50 does not add any new Classics, allowing existing Classics to use air waves is an expansion of gaming activities. He noted he would not be supporting this legislation. CHAIRMAN TAYLOR announced Senator Parnell had arrived, and that Representative Hodgins was available to speak to HB 50. SENATOR PARNELL noted he would not be supporting HB 50 either. REPRESENTATIVE HODGINS stated that he agrees with Senator Miller regarding the issue of gambling, however the Legislature has allowed certain sweepstakes, fishing derbies, to use the broadcast media. HB 50 would allow other legislatively-designated sweepstakes the same ability. As the Legislature cuts funding, it is difficult to not allow community groups the opportunity to try to raise money for scholarships, etc. He clarified the Classics do not involve pull-tabs or bingo, or any other game of chance. SENATOR MILLER agreed with Representative Hodgins that the Legislature has created an uneven playing field, but he would heartily support the bill if it disallowed all groups from using the broadcast media. CHAIRMAN TAYLOR stated HB 50 would be pending before the committee and adjourned the meeting at 1:25 p.m.
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