Legislature(1993 - 1994)
04/23/1993 02:05 PM Senate JUD
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATOR TAYLOR brought CSHB 236(RLS) am (NOTICE OF SALES OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY) before the committee as the first order of business, noting that the meeting was being teleconferenced. BOB GOULD, Alaska Journal of Commerce, testifying from Anchorage, said the legislation that was before the committee satisfies just about all interested parties concerned, with the possible exception of the Anchorage Daily News. Restating his previous testimony on the legislation, Mr. Gould said the purpose to be accomplished by this legislation, which is limited exclusively to foreclosure notices of real estate, is to promote competition, not only for the Alaska Journal of Commerce, but for many other papers that will be empowered with specificity to go out into the marketplace for those types of notices. Number 073 SENATOR TAYLOR noted that Mr. Gould had provided the committee with a copy of a fax letter from his attorneys which is in response to a letter received by the committee from John McKay pursuant to Mr. McKay's testimony on behalf of the Anchorage Daily News. Senator Taylor also noted that modifications have been made to the legislation as it has moved through the process and they are somewhat significant. SENATOR LITTLE said in Mr. McKay's letter he pointed out that the cost of advertising in publications like the Alaska Journal of Commerce will be more costly for advertisers, and she asked if that comment was based on the earlier legislation the committee had before it. BOB GOULd answered that the readership that they reach is much more effective for title companies, banks, etc., that have a specific interest in foreclosure notices. In terms of absolute dollars, the Alaska Journal of Commerce is approximately one third the cost of running the exact same add in the Daily News. Number 140 There being no further testimony on CSHB 236(RLS) am, SENATOR TAYLOR asked for the pleasure of the committee SENATOR HALFORD moved that CSHB 236(RLS) am be passed out of committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.
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