Legislature(1993 - 1994)

03/10/1993 02:07 PM Senate JUD

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
  SENATOR  TAYLOR returned SJR 9 (DESECRATION OF U.S. FLAG) to                 
  committee and began taking  testimony on teleconference from                 
  Kodiak  and  beginning with  Ketchikan,  where he  called on                 
  JAMES CARLTON.                                                               
  He checked in as COLONEL J. CARLTON, Retired U.S. Air Force,                 
  reviewed his record, and  indicated he was a member  of both                 
  the American Legion  and the Veterans  of Foreign Wars.   In                 
  remembrance of the last medal of honor winner in his outfit,                 
  CAPTAIN  STEPHEN  L.  BENNETT,     COL.  CARLTON  asked  the                 
  committee to  pass  the  resolution now.    He  claimed  the                 
  majority of Alaskan supported the resolution, which has been                 
  passed in 28 states.                                                         
  SENATOR  TAYLOR  noted  the  prime  sponsor,   SENATOR  FRED                 
  ZHAROFF, had arrived and invited him to testify.                             
  Number 064                                                                   
  SENATOR ZHAROFF  gave thanks  for the  opportunity to  again                 
  support SJR 9, and he explained how it was lost in the final                 
  hours  of  session last  year.   He  explained how  his bill                 
  related to  the attempt to amend the  U.S. Constitution, and                 
  he  hoped  the  resolution  could   be  pushed  through  the                 
  Legislature quickly.                                                         
  SENATOR TAYLOR thanked SENATOR ZHAROFF for his participation                 
  and  turned  the  testimony  to  Ketchikan  to  hear  MASTER                 
  SERGEANT RODNEY LOVE, RET.                                                   
  SERGEANT LOVE read  a statement from  one of the members  of                 
  the American Legion in a  tribute to the American Flag as  a                 
  reminder  of  the  armed services  fighting  for  the United                 
  State, and he urged  the legislature to follow the  other 28                 
  states in support of a Constitutional  amendment on the flag                 
  desecration.  He conclude with a  poem written a by student,                 
  LEE ESTES, from  Jackson, Louisiana,  in honor of  Veteran's                 
  SENATOR  TAYLOR  returned  to Kodiak  to  hear  COLONEL EARL                 
  MICKELSEN, RET.                                                              
  Number 153                                                                   
  COL. MICKELSEN expressed appreciation to SENATOR ZHAROFF for                 
  the introduction of  SJR 9.  He noted a House Resolution and                 
  asked that the  two be combined.   He described the  support                 
  for  the  resolution from  the  Kodiak American  Legion, the                 
  Western District, and the  Southeastern District, which have                 
  all gone on record with resolutions asking for quick passage                 
  of the legislation.  He asked that the resolution be passed,                 
  not  only for  our  flag, but  our veterans  -  and for  our                 
  SENATOR TAYLOR returned  to Ketchikan  for the remainder  of                 
  the testimony, beginning with JOSEPH CRAIG.                                  
  MR.  CRAIG referred to  a discussion with  SENATOR TAYLOR on                 
  the  issue  and  stressed  the   American  Legion  would  be                 
  supporting the resolution next year if it doesn't pass.                      
  Number 223                                                                   
  JEFFERY BLUME identified  himself as  a Retired Vietnam  Era                 
  Coast Guard Petty Officer, current member of the Legion Post                 
  Association.  He discussed the flag as a national symbol and                 
  recognized  daily   at  sporting  events,  schools,  and  at                 
  motorcycle rallies.   He urged Alaska  to join the 28  other                 
  states in supporting the Constitutional amendment.                           
  TOM  STREEPER  identified  himself as  a  Retired  Air Force                 
  Officer and a veteran of World War II, as well as the Korean                 
  War.  He  concurred with the previous speakers and explained                 
  the support for  the resolution went beyond  the military to                 
  all walks of life.                                                           
  SENATOR JACKO moved to pass SJR 9 (DESECRATION OF U.S. FLAG)                 
  from  committee with  individual  recommendations.   Without                 
  objections, so ordered.                                                      

Document Name Date/Time Subjects