Legislature(1993 - 1994)
02/17/1993 01:40 PM Senate JUD
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATOR TAYLOR introduced SJR 6 (USE OF INITIATIVE TO AMEND CONSTITUTION). The prime sponsor is SENATOR RICK HALFORD. SENATOR TAYLOR opened the bill to testimony, and invited CHIP TOMA to speak. Number 340 MR. TOMA testified in support of SJR 6, which would authorize the use of initiatives to amend the constitution, and he distributed a list of 17 states which currently allow constitutional amendments by initiative. He reviewed the statistics which indicated most states passed their initiatives by a majority vote. MR. TOMA explained how the bill would assist him in the recall of the governor and the lieutenant governor, since he found the process as specified, presently in statute, to be onerous and in the case of legal challenges to be dilatory. He described how the proceedings had been turned into a court case, which he thought was unnecessary. MR. TOMA gave some history from the standpoint of being employed by the Department of Elections during the recall case, Minors v. the Bering Straits School District, and he reviewed his position on how a recall should work - not by making court cases on every single issue. He explained how he would proceed with his recall by initiative in the event the bill was passed. MR. TOMA urged the passage of SJR 6 and suggested the two thirds vote be changed to a majority vote, since it was difficult to get anything passed with this number. Number 435 SENATOR TAYLOR clarified MR. TOMA'S concern was the recall question, but he said the legislation was primarily for amendments to the constitution. They discussed the resolution as opening up government to the people, but MR. TOMA explained why the two thirds vote would never work. JOHN SHEPHERD, aide to SENATOR HALFORD, reviewed the good points presented by MR. TOMA, and thought the constitution should be a living document reflecting the will of the people. He explained the principal reason for the resolution, and he reviewed the statistics on all of the constitutional amendments since Statehood. He thought 80% of the people would vote on an initiative to limit terms of legislators. TAPE 93-13, SIDE A Number 001 SENATOR LITTLE asked if a person could use an initiative to change the permanent fund, and MR. SHEPHERD said people could try to amend the constitution. He explained several changes that could be made by initiative. MR. TOMA responded by explaining why he thought the two thirds vote was destroying the ability of people to vote, and he reviewed the prevailing fears at amending the constitution. He said he trusted the voters of the state to make the decisions and should be done on a 50% vote. There being no quorum, the bill stayed in committee.
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