Legislature(1997 - 1998)
04/24/1998 09:08 AM Senate HES
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 407 - TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP LOANS REPRESENTATIVE GARY DAVIS, sponsor of the HB 407, gave the following description of the measure. Alaska established the Teacher Scholarship Loan Program to provide an incentive to Alaska students to return to teach in rural Alaska after completing a teaching degree program. After teaching in a rural area for four years, Alaska student loan borrowers can get up to 100 percent of their loans forgiven. HB 407 simply provides the same loan forgiveness provision to a very small group of student loan borrowers who have contracted an illness that requires them to remain in urban areas to receive special medical attention. Those borrowers must be teaching in the urban areas. In the specific case Representative Davis was made aware of, a student loan borrower contracted a degenerative disease that requires continual physical therapy and doctor's visits. Current statute contains a provision allowing loan forgiveness if a borrower becomes disabled, but in this instance, the borrower does not want to file for disability. This woman wants to continue to teach. CHAIRMAN WILKEN asked Representative Davis if a constituent brought this problem to his attention. REPRESENTATIVE DAVIS explained he was approached by the father of a student from the Soldotna area. Number 087 GARY REED testified via teleconference from Soldotna. He is the father of the student who prompted this legislation. He asked the committee to support HB 407. He explained that his daughter graduated from high school with a high GPA and went to college with the intent of returning to teach in rural Alaska. During the first semester of her senior year, she was diagnosed with a disease that is progressively degenerative and has no cure, but is treatable. At this time his daughter is capable of teaching full-time, and she is not interested in qualifying for a disability. Stress is a factor that increases the degeneration, and the fact that she could not teach in rural Alaska added to her stress, as well as the hardship the student loan payments cause her. He noted the House passed this bill unanimously. MRS. REED also urged the committee to support HB 407. Number 146 SENATOR LEMAN moved to pass HB 407 from committee with individual recommendations. There being no objection, the motion carried.
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