Legislature(1995 - 1996)
04/07/1995 09:15 AM Senate HES
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 215 GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OF STUDENTS Number 149 CHAIRMAN GREEN introduced HB 215 as the next order of business before the committee. REPRESENTATIVE CON BUNDE, prime sponsor of HB 215, stated that HB 215 is an extension of existing legislation. He explained that existing legislation states that a student can be suspended if that student behaves in a manner inappropriate and dangerous for school if the behavior was exhibited in the presence of other students. The loophole, is when students are not present and a student exhibits dangerous behavior in the presence of teachers, aides, volunteers, and principals. In that case, the suspension would not apply. HB 215 tightens the language so that a student exhibiting serious hostile behavior that would endanger another person could be suspended or expelled even if other students were not present. CHAIRMAN GREEN inquired as to the support HB 215 has received in the school district. REPRESENTATIVE CON BUNDE stated that he had not heard any opposition. Schools across the state feel that this is necessary due to the kinds of students that are in school as well as the increasing level of violence in schools. REPRESENTATIVE CON BUNDE noted that Wendy Redman would like to include the university in this bill. He was not opposed to that, however, he questioned whether that addition would fall under the title of the bill. SENATOR LEMAN asked if there was a definition of public school. REPRESENTATIVE CON BUNDE said that by statute a public school is defined as K-12. SENATOR SALO stated that the title would probably have to specify public school or university. Number 210 WENDY REDMAN, Vice President of University Relations, informed the committee that a public school is defined as a school operated by publicly elected or appointed school officials in which the program and activities are under the control of those officials and is supported by public funds. She said that the definition did not seem to exclude the university. CHAIRMAN GREEN indicated that HB 215 could be passed out of committee where it could be handled. SENATOR MILLER pointed out that the next committee of referral was Rules. He said that the university could be included and a legal opinion regarding that title question could be requested in the meantime. SENATOR SALO moved HB 215 am out of committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
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