Legislature(1995 - 1996)
02/08/1995 09:01 AM Senate HES
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SHES - 2/8/95 SB 39 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP LOANS Number 002 CHAIRMAN GREEN called the Senate Health, Education and Social Services (HESS) Committee to order at 9:01 a.m. She introduced SB 39 as the first order of business before the committee. JOE AMBROSE, staff to Senator Taylor, reviewed the Sponsor Statement. SENATOR SALO asked if SB 39 was speaking to the Trooper Academy Program. Mr. Abrose clarified that SB 39 refers to a course that is complementary to the Trooper Academy Program, but not part of that program. SENATOR SALO inquired as to the funding of the Memorial Scholarship; do state employees support this fund with donations of annual leave? JOE AMBROSE stated that there are several manners in which individual Troopers can donate to the Memorial Scholarship; AS 14.43.300 describes various scholarship loan programs and their funding sources. Mr. Ambrose did not know the current balance for the Memorial Scholarship. Number 089 SENATOR SALO asked if the state employees have a position on this change in statute. JOE AMBROSE said that he had not seen a formal position from the Employee's Association. CHAIRMAN GREEN inquired as to the description of a typical recipient of this scholarship. JOE AMBROSE could not answer that question. SENATOR SALO pointed out that the prerequisites for this scholarship are a high school diploma or a GED. JOE AMBROSE noted that this program is a fitting preparatory measure for individuals who may want to continue into other areas such as the Trooper Program. Number 136 LIEUTENANT ROBIN LOWN, State Trooper and Chair of the Michael Murphy memorial scholarship, stated that he received and reviewed all the applications for this scholarship. He supported the changes because they would allow individuals interested in attending the Alaska Law Enforcement Training (ALET) program the ability to do so. He informed the committee that an individual who goes to the ALET program without the Department's sponsorship would face a $5,000 payment for that training. Without that training, an individual cannot become a law enforcement officer. CHAIRMAN GREEN asked how many applicants there would be for this scholarship. LIEUTENANT ROBIN LOWN said that there are usually fifteen to twenty applicants per year. LIEUTENANT ROBIN LOWN explained that in years with too many applicants, the scholarship amount has been decreased per recipient in order that more applicants can receive assistance. He expressed more interest in those individuals moving towards certification for a police officer rather than law degrees. He urged passage of SB 39. SENATOR MILLER moved that SB 39 be moved out of committee with individual recommendations and its accompanying fiscal notes. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.
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