Legislature(2005 - 2006)SENATE FINANCE 532
03/23/2006 09:00 AM Senate FINANCE
Audio | Topic |
Start | |
SB 206 | |
SB222 | |
SB284 | |
HB274 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
= | SB 206 | ||
10:09:11 AM CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 284(JUD) "An Act relating to sentencing for the commission of a felony while under the influence of alcohol." This was the first hearing for this bill in the Senate Finance Committee. 10:09:44 AM Senator Therriault, sponsor of the bill, stated this legislation would provide aide for law enforcement and courts in addressing a societal problem. He read the sponsor statement into the record as follows. In the interest of public safety and reducing the rate of recidivism among certain violent offenders, I have introduced Senate Bill 284 giving judges a new option when sentencing felons who commit crimes against persons. (AS 11.41) In instances that clear and convincing evidence shows a long-term pattern of alcohol abuse as a major contributing factor in the commission of a violent crime against a person, or in the case of extreme DUI convictions, a judge may impose as a condition of sentencing, up to a lifetime prohibition on the use of alcohol. This legislation is intended to accomplish three main objectives. The first is to allow courts to remove a controlled substance from those who have a long track record of being dangerous when they use it. The second is to prevent future acts of violence by establishing a different threshold for re-arrest before actual violence may occur. The third goal is to establish a lifelong deterrent to offenders who might be tempted to use a substance that unleashes their violent nature. 10:11:35 AM Senator Therriault informed that he has collaborated with the Department of Law to shorten the bill. The Division of Legal and Research Services drafter agrees the new language structure would be sensible and prepared a new committee substitute. 10:12:13 AM Co-Chair Green suggested the proposed committee substitute could be distributed at this time to allow members to review the changes. She agreed the current version was repetitive. 10:13:30 AM Senator Therriault explained that the proposed committee substitute summarizes the references to other statutes. 10:13:52 AM Co-Chair Wilken offered a motion to adopt CS SB 284, 24- LS0581\L, as a working document. There was no objection and CS SB 284, Version "L", was ADOPTED as a working document. 10:14:14 AM ANNE CARPENETI, Assistant Attorney General, Legal Services Section, Criminal Division, Department of Law, explained the shortened committee substitute. Judges need the guidelines provided in this legislation. The Department supports this bill. 10:15:38 AM Co-Chair Green indicated she would review the committee substitute. When she first learned of this effort, she was skeptical it could be successful. She has since concluded the guidelines could be helpful. The bill was HELD in Committee.
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