Legislature(2001 - 2002)
03/21/2002 09:13 AM Senate FIN
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 308(RES) "An Act relating to the Alaska coastal management program and the responsibilities of the Alaska Coastal Policy Council; and providing for an effective date." This was the first hearing for this bill in the Senate Finance Committee. Co-Chair Donley moved to adopt CS SB 308, 22-LS1516\J as a working draft. SENATOR GENE THERRIAULT, sponsor of the bill, explained this committee substitute eliminates the petition process that was included in the original bill as it is addressed in other legislation; "prohibits the adoption by reference of state statutes and regulations by coastal district;" and allows permitting agencies to make consistency determinations in separate phases for a North Slope natural gas pipeline project paralleling the Trans Alaska Pipeline System and the Alaska Highway or a route that runs to Alaska tidewater." There being no objections, the committee substitute was ADOPTED. Senator Therriault noted the bill title is purposefully "rather broad" because a title change is anticipated as a result of related legislation under consideration. JOHN SHIVELY, Representative, Foothills Pipeline Company, testified via teleconference from Anchorage to voice support for this bill. He stressed that improving the consistency determination permitting process to allow agencies to phase projects "makes sense," especially when dealing with large projects. DANA OLSON, testified via teleconference from Mat Su, and voiced concern that this bill is moving through the process too quickly. She suggested the formation of a subcommittee to include citizens to address concerns and frustrations on the current Alaska Coastal Management Program (ACMP) and subsequently offer recommendations to the Committee. She opined that the Committee is not aware of all the issues involved, and she voiced opposition to the elimination of the petition process. Senator Therriault, in response to a question from Senator Ward, stated that concerns of people in South Anchorage are addressed in the committee substitute by the elimination of the petition process language. He reiterated that other legislation would address this process. Senator Austerman asked if the gas pipeline language included in the bill weakens the State's position in the permitting process. Senator Therriault stated the language "is project neutral but route specific," and eliminates the concern that the State's current permitting process is too rigid and a deterrent to a project's forward movement. PATRICK GALVIN, Director, Division of Governmental Coordination, Office of the Governor, informed the Committee the Department has no objections to the bill. Senator Leman offered a motion to report the committee substitute from Committee with accompanying fiscal note. There being no objections, CS SB 308 (FIN) was MOVED out of Committee with the accompanying zero fiscal note from the Office of the Governor, dated 3/05/02.
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