Legislature(2001 - 2002)
04/06/2001 10:05 AM Senate FIN
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HOUSE BILL NO. 118 "An Act relating to a mandatory exemption from municipal taxes on certain residences; and providing for an effective date." This was the first hearing for this bill in the Senate Finance Committee. REPRESENTATIVE JIM WHITAKER, sponsor, testified this bill allows municipalities "deal with its local issues"; specifically tax exemptions for senior citizen, disabled veterans, and widowers and widows over the age of 60. Senator Wilken told of his parent's current situation living in the Fairbanks Pioneers' Home but maintaining their house and property as their official residence. Meanwhile, he noted, the house is being leased as rental property. He noted the bill does not require annual affidavits showing proof of residency and asked if the intent is for the taxpayers to subsidize property owned by the elderly who no longer live in their homes. Representative Whitaker answered it is potentially so. He explained the intent is that each municipality would establish procedures, which could preclude such subsidies. He stressed his concern is to "not punish a significantly larger population of seniors with an over burdensome obligation to apply every year in consideration of those who might attempt to take advantage of the situation." Senator Wilken understood the current property tax statements contain a straightforward notice informing that an exemption must be filed every year and the statement even includes a detachable affidavit for the homeowner to submit. He remarked the issue of annual exemptions has not been a problem that he has been aware of and he questioned whether this legislation would "open the door to abuse" in anticipation of a problem that has not occurred. Representative Whitaker replied that there actually has been a situation in the Fairbanks North Star Borough involving Olive Anderson, an elderly resident who was unable to comprehend that she had to file on an annual basis. He stated that her taxes went unpaid for several years and the Borough foreclosed on the property. When he inquired as to how this could be averted, he was told that state law is very specific and the Borough had no alternative. Representative Whitaker clarified this bill is not retroactive and would not affect Ms. Anderson but would allow a municipality to prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Senator Wilken asked if the Fairbanks North Star Borough A ssembly has indicated support for or against this legislation. LORI BACKUS, staff to Representative Whitaker, indicated that Representative Whitaker received a letter from Mayor Rhonda Boyles, of the Fairbanks North Star Borough stating she had no objection to the bill and expressed approval that the municipalities would be given authority to establish an application procedure. Ms. Backus relayed that the State Assessor has testified in previous hearings on the bill that the Tax Division, Department of Revenue does not object to the legislation and anticipates it would alleviate "some of the yearly paperwork." Senator Austerman offered a motion to report from Committee HB 118, 22-LS0138\J with zero fiscal note from the Department of Community and Economic Development. Without objection HB 118 MOVED from Committee.
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