Legislature(1999 - 2000)
03/26/1999 09:45 AM Senate FIN
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 12(FIN) Relating to federal claims against funds obtained by settlement of state tobacco litigation. JOHN MANLEY, staff to Representative John Harris the prime sponsor of the bill, testified before the committee. He said that HJR 12 would send a message to the President of the US and to Congress that the State Of Alaska brought a lawsuit to the tobacco companies and came to a settlement, which the federal government was not involved. Therefore, they were not entitled to a share of the money. The state stood to receive about $669 million from the settlement over the next 25 years. If the federal government had its way in exercising its prerogative under the proposed US Senate bill, they could take as much as $400 million of that amount. Therefore, the resolution asked that Congress pass a law directing federal agencies to not take that money. Co-Chair John Torgerson referred to page 2 line 16 and 17 that basically stated that the president was to review the fact of the settlement and refrain from taking steps to recoup dollars, which the federal government was not entitled. He asked if the sponsor was saying that the federal government might be entitled to some of the settlement. That was his interpretation. John Manley replied that intention was they would not be entitled to any of the settlement. Co-Chair John Torgerson stated that was not what the statement said. It needed clean up. John Manley suggested that portion of the language should be removed. John Manley shared that the federal government felt they are entitled to two-thirds of the settlement under the Social Security Act. Co-Chair John Torgerson detailed the language discrepancy. Senator Sean Parnell moved to adopt Amendment #1. This would delete language on page 2 beginning with line 16, "review the facts related to the tobacco settlement with the State Of Alaska" and then at line 17 insert a period after "dollars" and delete the remainder of the line. He read the revised language into the record. This would comply with line, which stated that the State Of Alaska was entitled to all the funds. Without objection it was adopted. Senator Lyda Green suggested adding Senator Kay Bailey- Hutchinson to the list of recipients of the resolution. She was the co-sponsor of the federal legislation to claim the funds, SB 36 to page 2 after Senator Trent Lott. John Manley did not oppose this. Senator Lyda Green moved to adopt Amendment #2. Without objection, it was adopted. DOUG GARDNER, Assistant Attorney General, Oil, Gas and Mining Section, Civil Division, Department of Law, came to the table to answer any questions of the committee. Senator Al Adams asked if there was a fear that the federal government could take a portion, such as two-thirds, of the money that was entitled to Alaska. Doug Gardner said it was a real concern and that the federal legislation was attached to an emergency spending appropriation and had 99 co-sponsors. Senator Sean Parnell moved to report SCS CS HJR 12 (FIN) as amended out of committee. There was no objection and it was so ordered.
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