Legislature(1997 - 1998)

05/07/1997 08:45 AM Senate FIN

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
       CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 25(JUD)                                          
       "An  Act  relating  to authorizing  the  Department  of                 
  Corrections    to provide an  automated victim  notification                 
  and prisoner   information system."                                          
  Senator Johnny Ellis, sponsor of SB  25, was invited to join                 
  the  committee.  He  explained his  bill.   The notification                 
  system to the victim would be automated.  This would do away                 
  with  unnecessary  delay  caused by  the  present  system of                 
  notifying the  victim by  mail.   The fiscal  note had  been                 
  whittled down to a bare minimum.  The bill had received wide                 
  support across the State.  In response to a question  by Co-                 
  chair  Sharp,  Senator  Ellis  reviewed  the  Department  of                 
  Corrections fiscal  note.   He said  the $3,000  represented                 
  emergency notification  in case  of failure  of the  system.                 
  Senator Donley explained  a memo from Senator  Taylor, dated                 
  28 April 1997.  Senator Ellis concurred with the  conforming                 
  changes and  recommended they be  rolled into a  Finance CS.                 
  Senator Donley therefore  moved amendment #1, memo  dated 28                 
  April 1997 from Senator Taylor and  without objection it was                 
  Bob  Cole,  Director, Division  of  Administrative Services,                 
  Department   of  Corrections,   was  invited  to   join  the                 
  committee.  He  referred to the current  paper-driven system                 
  for  victim  notification.   He  said this  was  an obsolete                 
  system  and  the  department  was   doing  design  work  for                 
  replacement of OPSIS.  The cost of $150,000 was justified.                   
  Senator Pearce suggested the department seek information  on                 
  a contractual system.  Mr. Cole advised the department would                 
  charge  for  phone calls  and  said  this  revenue would  be                 
  helpful.  Senator  Torgerson asked if  this was an  unfunded                 
  mandate and Mr. Cole advised that it was not.                                
  Senator   Donley   moved   CSSB   25(FIN)  with   individual                 
  recommendations and  accompanying  fiscal  notes.    Without                 
  objection it was reported out.                                               
  Co-chair Sharp called HB 2.                                                  

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