Legislature(1997 - 1998)
04/23/1997 05:35 PM Senate FIN
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 34(TRA) "An Act giving notice of and approving a lease-purchase agreement with the City of Soldotna for a maintenance facility of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities." Senator Torgerson introduced CSSB 34(TRA). He specifically noted page 1, line 11, amendment #1. He briefly discussed with Senator Pearce regarding the City of Soldotna being the seller of the bond. (Tape change to #126.) He said there was no high priority to move the bill. Senator Pearce said she did not feel the City of Soldotna should have the bond. Nancy Slagle, Director, Division of Administrative Services, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities was invited to join the committee. She said this matter was a high priority with the department. It had been three years since the environmental clean-up had been requested. Money was available for working on design and road to the new site. In 1996 money was appropriated for the clean-up in the amount of $600,000. She did not know the total amount of the cleanup but would provide exactly how much the department received and how much they expended. Senator Torgerson said that $600,000 was appropriated and reviewed the amounts left. Approximately $1 million was left. (pause while Senator Pearce reviewed the spread sheet.) In response to a question by Senator Pearce, Senator Torgerson said he had no objection to the City or the State holding the bonds. The City had been trying to get the State to do the bond but for some reason the State had been holding off. The City said they would not pay the bond, however, for clean-up. The Department of Transportation said with another $250,000 the project could be finished. It was noted the State owned the property. Co-chair Sharp said he never heard of the State bonding for cleanup. He asked Senator Torgerson to review the bill tonight and to pin down whether the City of Soldotna or the State would do the bonding. Senator Torgerson said the City felt if they did the bonding they could move on with the project. Mr. Browne said that whoever does the bonding it would be a 90-day process. Senator Torgerson said he would review the bill and have it redrafted and ready for tomorrow. Co-chair Sharp concurred and held SB 34 over until tomorrow.
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