Legislature(1995 - 1996)
04/13/1996 02:55 PM Senate FIN
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATE BILL NO. 320 An Act increasing the number of superior court judges designated for the Third Judicial District to provide an additional superior court judge at Dillingham. Co-chairman Halford directed that SB 320 be brought on for discussion. ART SNOWDEN, Administrative Director, Alaska Court System, came before committee. He explained that the new judge would fill a hole in the Dillingham/Naknek area. Citizens in the area have raised concern that many cases are "pled out" because of lack of prosecutorial and defense assets. Necessity for judges to travel from Anchorage to preside at Dillingham depletes ability to cover the Anchorage caseload. LAURIE OTTO, Deputy Attorney General, Criminal Division, Dept. of Law, next came before committee. She voiced support for the legislation and directed attention to correspondence citing the basis for support. She noted that much of the problem associated with prosecutions in the region is inability to "get adequate court time to process the cases within the time limit set in state speedy trial rules." In response to a question from Senator Sharp, Ms. Otto said that the position would be new to the region. Facilities (a court building in Dillingham staffed by clerks) are in place. There is a public defender in the area, but district attorneys serve the region out of the Anchorage office. One district attorney dedicates full time to Dillingham. If the judge is placed in Dillingham, the Anchorage position would move to the region as well. Senator Rieger MOVED for passage of SB 320 with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal note. No objection having been raised, SB 320 was REPORTED OUT of committee with a $226.8 fiscal note from the Court System. All members signed the committee report with a "do pass" recommendation with the exception of Senator Phillips who signed "no recommendation."
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