Legislature(1995 - 1996)
03/30/1995 09:15 AM Senate FIN
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATE BILL NO. 88 "An Act establishing a pilot program for charter schools; and providing for an effective date." Senator Sharp stated that the issue of charter schools was discussed during the last two years. Last year, SB 61 pertained to charter schools, which in all aspects was an omnibus education bill. The issues within the bill were controversial and diverse. SB 88 is a single issue bill on charter schools. The goal and tone is to set as few limitations as possible in setting up and operating charter schools. It will allow school districts, teachers and parents the space to be creative. It allows the charter schools to use existing school facilities, new facilities and/or the option of leasing other buildings within the community that meets code requirements for schools. A geographical allocation has been done to assure fairness statewide for this pilot proposal. All charter school proposals will be submitted to the local school board for consideration. Upon approval, the proposal will be forwarded to the Commissioner, Department of Education, for review and compliance to state law. All staffing of charter schools must be done on a volunteer basis, with the principal or administrator having the right of final approval of all staff selection. By challenging students to achieve their highest capabilities, providing opportunities for the teachers to be challenged, and encouraging parent involvement, Senator Sharp recommends charter schools as leading the way to a more effective education. This bill would be sunset in l0 years. He urged the members to look favorably to this legislation. Senator Sharp MOVED to pass Amendment #1. With no objection being heard Amendment #1 was ADOPTED. Sheila Peterson, Special Assistant to the Department of Education stated that the Board of Education did vote in support of SB 88. The State Board and Dept of Education supports both Amendments #1 and #2. Senator Sharp MOVED to pass Amendment #2. With no objection being heard Amendment #2 was ADOPTED. Ms. Peterson stated that the maximum number of charter schools running at any one time is 40. She stated that the bill has the charter school in operation for 5 years. The applications will come in over time as each school district examines the legislation, and considers the alternatives. Independently, school districts will be setting up their proposals at different times. The State Board will be receiving the proposals as separate entities, and will make a determination based on the educationally sound proposal that is given. She emphasized that SB 88 does set up guidelines for geographical differences statewide so that any one area of the state will not have an advantage over another area within the state. Senator Sharp MOVED CSSB 88 (FIN) out of committee with individual recommendations, and an accompanying fiscal note of $2.0 for the Department of Education. No objection having been raised CSSB 88 (FIN) was REPORTED OUT of committee. Co-chairs Halford and Frank and Senators Rieger, Phillips, and Sharp recommended "do pass". Senators Zharoff and Donley signed "other recommendations".
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