Legislature(1995 - 1996)
03/23/1995 09:30 AM Senate FIN
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATE BILL NO. 67 "An Act relating to the crime of unlawful evasion." Co-chair Halford invited Senator Ellis to join the committee. Senator Ellis testified that this legislation is an effort to increase the penalties for escape, or walk- aways, from a half-way house facility. He said there is agreement among the professionals and the neighborhood activists that the penalty is not sufficient for misdemeanants, in those facilities, to keep them from walking away. This is a documented problem. He stated that in FY 92 there were 49 walk-aways, in FY 93 there were 23, in FY 94 there were 68, and in FY 95 there have been 31 walk-aways. Senator Ellis noted that there are documented cases resulting in drunk driving deaths, drug deals, and firearm violations, to name a few. There is general agreement that the penalty for felons who walk away from a facility should be a class A misdemeanor. He cited a personal experience that he had encountered with the Anchorage police department. Senator Rieger questioned the definition and statute of a half-way house. He felt that the language may be loose. Senator Ellis testified that there has not been a need to tighten up the language on this bill. Margot Knuth, Department of Law, Criminal Division, supports this bill. She stated it will not add fiscal impact to the Department of Law. It does not cost any more to prosecute a Class A misdemeanor than a Class B misdemeanor. Senator Zharoff asked for explanation in Section 4, line 26. Ms. Knuth responded that it states the unlawful evasion in the second degree that exists now. This legislation will create one offense of unlawful evasion and will no longer have both in the first degree and in the second degree. All of the same conduct that is now covered by unlawful evasion in the first and second degree will be covered in the single crime of unlawful evasion. This bill will have the effect of repealing AS 11.56.350, so that it will become AS 11.56.340. Co-chair Halford spoke to the fiscal notes attached to this bill. He stated that with an additional penalty, it would appear that the departments are willing to absorb the costs. Senator Phillips MOVED to pass SB 67 with individual recommendations. No objection having been raised, SB 67 was REPORTED OUT of committee with three fiscal notes from the Dept. of Administration, Dept. of Law, and Corrections. Co- chairs Halford and Frank, along with the full committee, Senators Rieger, Phillips, Donley, Zharoff and Sharp recommended "do pass".
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