Legislature(1993 - 1994)
04/21/1994 10:00 AM Senate FIN
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SB 377: An Act relating to state agency fiscal procedures; and providing for an effective date. Amendment 1, 3, 4, and 5 were ADOPTED. John Bitney, aide to Representative Larson, spoke to amendment 2. Amendment 2 was HELD. CSSB 377(FIN) was REPORTED out of committee with a "do pass," a zero fiscal note for the Department of Revenue, and a revenue fiscal note for the Department of Administration - Statewide for $(147.7). SENATE BILL NO. 377: An Act relating to state agency fiscal procedures; and providing for an effective date. Co-chair Pearce announced that SB 377 was before the committee. She said there were five suggested amendments. Co-chair Frank MOVED amendment 1 regarding prorating language consistent with language in last year's fee bill. No objection being heard, it was ADOPTED. JOHN BITNEY, aide to Representative Larson, said that amendment 2 would delete provisions within the statute that were currently being used to fund the catastrophic insurance functions of the state. He understood that currently what the state did was use lapsing general fund balances at the end of each fiscal year to fund the catastrophic insurance account. This language was drafted with the help of the Office of Management & Budget. This year the House Finance Committee budgeted it from the Constitutional Reserve Fund rather than from lapsing balances. He pointed out that section did fall out of the front section when it failed to get a three-quarters vote on the house floor. The House Finance Committee felt that these types of provisions that the administration had been using to sweep lapsing balances should be deleted in order to apply that lapsed money towards the deficit situation. Co-chair Pearce said amendment 2 would be HELD until Legal Services could be questioned. Mr. Bitney said that amendment 3 was another provision where House Finance Committee was looking to delete sections within the Executive Budget Act that authorized the Department of Administration to sweep lapsing balance accounts at the end of the FY. They would prefer these funds lapse back into the general fund each year. Co-chair Frank MOVED amendment 3. Senator Kerttula OBJECTED. Senator Kerttula WITHDREW his objection. No further objection being heard, amendment 3 was ADOPTED. Co-chair Pearce announced amendment 4 was before the committee. Mr. Bitney said the intention of amendment 4 was that when the Governor submitted his initial budget proposal to the legislature, under the repayment section, if an appropriation had been made as part of his budget recommendation to the legislature, the Governor shall propose the amounts that were available and what the payback provisions should be. Co-chair Frank MOVED amendment 4. No objection being heard, amendment 4 was ADOPTED. Co-chair Pearce said that amendment 5 was proposed by the Department of Health & Social Services in relation to the Infant Learning Program. Co-chair Frank MOVED amendment 5. No objection being heard, amendment 5 was ADOPTED. Co-chair Pearce announced that SB 377 as amended would be HELD until Legislative Legal Services spoke to amendment 2. At this time, the committee returned to SB 365 (see the section of meetings pertaining to SB 365). Co-chair Pearce announced that Legislative Legal Services had recommended that amendment 2 be withdrawn. Co-chair Frank MOVED for the passage of SB 377 as amended from committee with individual recommendations. No objection being heard, CSSB 377(FIN) was REPORTED out of committee with a "do pass," zero fiscal notes for the Department of Revenue, and the Department of Administration- Statewide also showing a revenue of $(147.7). Co-chairs Pearce and Frank, Senators Rieger, Jacko, Kelly and Sharp signed "do pass," and Senator Kerttula signed "do not pass." At this time the committee returned to SB 376 (see portion of minutes pertaining to SB 376).
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