Legislature(1993 - 1994)

03/21/1994 09:11 AM Senate FIN

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
  CSSB 92(CRA):  An Act relating  to an  advisory vote  during                 
                 regional educational  attendance area  school                 
                 board   elections;   and  providing   for  an                 
                 effective date.                                               
                 Senator Zharoff,  sponsor of SB 92,  spoke in                 
                 support  of  the  bill.    CSSB  92(CRA)  was                 
                 REPORTED out of  committee with a "do  pass,"                 
                 with a zero fiscal note for the Department of                 
                 Education,  and a fiscal  note for the Office                 
                 of Governor in the amount of $0.7.                            
  CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 92(CRA):                                              
       An Act  relating to  an advisory  vote during  regional                 
       educational attendance area school board elections; and                 
       providing for an effective date.                                        
  Co-chair Pearce asked the committee  to turn their attention                 
  to SB 92.   She invited Senator Zharoff to  join the members                 
  at the table.                                                                
  SENATOR ZHAROFF, sponsor of SB 92, said the bill allowed the                 
  Division  of  Elections  to  include on  an  REAA  ballot an                 
  advisory question  if it was adopted by  the regional school                 
  board  in the  area.    At  present,  statutes  allowed  the                 
  Division of  Elections to  deal with  the school  board, and                 
  there was an instance when one REAA had wanted a question on                 
  the ballot and there was no method to achieve that.  He said                 
  both the Department  of Education and Division  of Elections                 
  supported this version of SB 92.                                             
  Senator  Kerttula  MOVED for  passage  of CSSB  92(CRA) from                 
  committee  with  individual recommendations.    No objection                 
  being heard, it was  REPORTED OUT with  a "do pass," a  zero                 
  fiscal note  for the Department  of Education, and  a fiscal                 
  note  for the Office of the Governor  in the amount of $0.7.                 
  Co-chairs  Pearce   and  Frank,   Senators  Kelly,   Rieger,                 
  Kerttula, and Sharp signed "do pass."                                        

Document Name Date/Time Subjects