Legislature(1993 - 1994)
04/12/1993 09:20 AM Senate FIN
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATE BILL NO. 148 An Act relating to the Alaska Railroad Corporation; and providing for an effective date. Co-chair Pearce directed that SB 148 be brought on for discussion and referenced a draft CSSB 148 (Finance) (8- LS0583\X, Utermohle 4/12/93). Co-chair Frank MOVED for adoption of CSSB 148 (Finance) as a working document. No objection having been raised, CSSB 148 (Finance) was ADOPTED. DAVID SKIDMORE, aide to Senator Frank, came before committee. He explained that the adopted Senate Finance Committee version makes seven changes in the Senate Transportation version: 1. Deletes provisions relating to municipal property taxation. 2. Combines both qualifications for railroad experience into one director. One member of the board must have either ten years railroad management experience or have been an executive director of a U.S. railroad. 3. Creates a requirement for a director that represents the current executive management of the Alaska Railroad. 4. Provides that the next opening on the board shall be filled by a director who has the outside railroad experience called for in No. 2, above. 5. Specifies that meetings of the board where official corporate action is to be taken shall be teleconferenced. 6. Clarifies the definition of "nontransportation activity." The new definition excludes activity occurring before or subsequent to the transportation of people or personal property by the railroad. 7. Provides for participation in the regional land fill at Nenana. Co-chair Pearce pointed to the fact that up until the time Mr. Turpin left the railroad and Mr. Hatfield became CEO, the railroad had a board member with outside railroad experience. It was not expected that the director with outside experience would also end up as chief executive officer of the railroad. Co-chair Pearce further spoke to an inequity in original railroad law in that labor has a seat on the board while management does not. Mr. Hatfield is presently the CEO, a board member, and the outside expert. Co-chair Pearce said she had no problem giving management a seat on the board, but she said that that representative should not also be the outside expert. The proposed bill provides a seat for both management and a director with outside expertise. The reality of that is that an existing board member (Mr. Lindsey or Mr. Lounsbury) will have to leave the board this fall and be replaced with a new member with outside experience. Senator Kerttula voiced need for legislation providing for legislative confirmation of board members. Mr. Skidmore explained that the railroad reviewed the draft Senate Finance version of the bill and expressed approval with the exception of the new definition of "nontransportation activity." Railroad concern relates to the following subsections within Sec. 9: (B) an activity occurring before, or subsequent to the transportation of people or personal property by the railroad; or (C) an activity not (iii) conducted by the railroad on the date of transfer to the state. The corporation is concerned that instances may arise involving an activity conducted by the railroad on the date of transfer which also occurred before, or subsequent to, the transportation of people or personal property. That activity would conflict with new bill language. At the request of Co-chair Frank, MARK HICKEY, lobbyist for the Alaska Railroad Corporation, came before committee. Co- chair Frank asked what activities conducted at the time of transfer might be prohibited by subsection (B), above. Mr. Hickey pointed to the freight house and drayage operation the railroad has historically conducted as an example of conflict between language in subsections (B) and (C). He further noted that railroad warehousing of freight could also conflict. Co-chair Frank noted intent to curtail extension of railroad activities beyond those related to transportation. He then asked if the railroad was involved in hotel or lodging operations prior to transfer to the state. Mr. Hickey said that railroad operation of the Healy Hotel predates the transfer. Mr. Hickey next commented on definitions provided to a work session of the Senate Transportation Committee. The drafter at that time, did not include language relating to a value- added component. Mr. Hickey reiterated that different interpretations of the foregoing language could occur. He suggested that he be allowed to work with staff to structure the language to better define legislative intent. Co-chair Pearce directed that SB 148 be HELD in committee for that purpose. ANNOUNCEMENT Co-chair Pearce noted that SB 45 (MISC. LAWS RELATING TO MINORS), held from Saturday's meeting, would be on tomorrow's schedule. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:15 a.m.
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