Legislature(2023 - 2024)BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)

05/08/2024 03:30 PM Senate EDUCATION

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03:36:42 PM Start
03:37:36 PM SB266
03:45:34 PM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
**Streamed live on AKL.tv**
Moved CSSB 266(EDC) Out of Committee
        SB 266-CORRESPONDENCE STUDY PROG; STUDENT ACCTS                                                                     
3:37:36 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR TOBIN announced the consideration of SENATE BILL NO. 266                                                                  
"An  Act relating  to  standards-based  assessments; relating  to                                                               
correspondence study programs; relating  to student fund accounts                                                               
for  correspondence   study  programs;   and  providing   for  an                                                               
effective date."                                                                                                                
She stated the committee would consider a CS for SB 266.                                                                        
3:38:17 PM                                                                                                                    
MICHAEL   MASON,  Staff,   Senator  Löki   Tobin,  Alaska   State                                                               
Legislature,  Juneau,  Alaska,  said that  following  a  Superior                                                               
Court  ruling  that  struck  down   two  key  statutes  regarding                                                               
correspondence school  programs in  Alaska, the  Senate Education                                                               
Committee  put  forward SB  266,  which  seeks to  provide  clear                                                               
guardrails  for  Alaska's   correspondence  school  programs.  He                                                               
provided  the  following  explanation  of  changes  for  SB  266,                                                               
version B to S:                                                                                                                 
[Original punctuation provided.]                                                                                                
         Senate Bill 266  Correspondence Study Programs                                                                       
         Explanation of Changes  Version B to Version S                                                                       
      Section 1  Version S changes the blanket withdrawal                                                                     
       provision to allow parents to object to standards-                                                                       
     based assessments  by selecting  an alternative  to the                                                                    
     assessment  or a  student portfolio  based on  criteria                                                                    
     established by DEED.                                                                                                       
MR. MASON stated the use  of student portfolios for assessing the                                                               
progress of  students was included  in the Alaska Reads  Act that                                                               
was signed into law in 2022.                                                                                                    
     Section   2      Version   S   changes  the   reporting                                                                  
     requirements in  Section 2 to  align with  the existing                                                                    
     reporting statutes  governing what must be  included in                                                                    
     the annual report to the  Alaska State Legislature from                                                                    
     the State Board of Education and Early Development.                                                                        
MR. MASON said specifically, the  report must include information                                                               
about performance  of Alaska's correspondence study  programs and                                                               
their  students,   as  well  as  information   on  accreditation,                                                               
assessment   results,    enrollment,   graduation,    and   other                                                               
information. Subsection (d) requires  school districts that offer                                                               
correspondence study programs  to submit an annual  report to the                                                               
Alaska  Department of  Education  that  includes the  information                                                               
called for in subsection (c).                                                                                                   
     Section  3      Version  S  repeals   and  reenacts  AS                                                                  
     14.03.310  to allow  correspondence  study programs  to                                                                    
     continue  offering allotments  to parents  or guardians                                                                    
     of students.  Allotment funding is  for the  purpose of                                                                    
     providing  student textbooks,  materials, and  services                                                                    
     determined under the  students individual learning plan                                                                    
     created  under AS  14.03.300.  Version  S requires  the                                                                    
     State  Board  of  Education and  Early  Development  to                                                                    
     adopt   regulations   requiring  expenditures   to   be                                                                    
     approved by  DEED or the school  district that provides                                                                    
     the allotment.  Ten percent of  allotment funds  may be                                                                    
     rolled over from year to year.                                                                                             
     Subsection  (e)  on  page  4   from  lines  14  to  21,                                                                    
     stipulates that allotments  may not be used  to pay for                                                                    
     services  provided by  family members  and for  out-of-                                                                    
     state  travel   if  the  travel  is   approved  by  the                                                                    
     governing body or superintendent of a school district.                                                                     
     Version S  includes subsection (f), which  allows up to                                                                    
     15 percent  of allotment funds  to be used  to contract                                                                    
     with a  private individual to provide  tutoring in fine                                                                    
     arts, music,  or physical education if  the tutoring is                                                                    
     part of the student's individual learning plan.                                                                            
MR. MASON said Sections 4, 5, and  8 were in version B of SB 266.                                                               
Section 8 sets an immediate effective date.                                                                                     
3:41:29 PM                                                                                                                    
At ease                                                                                                                         
3:42:35 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR TOBIN reconvened the meeting.                                                                                             
3:42:50 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR KIEHL  stated public  testimony voiced  concern regarding                                                               
tutors.  The  language in  version  S  is  similar to  version  B                                                               
regarding  tutoring in  art, music,  and  physical education.  He                                                               
asked why tutoring in core subjects is not explicitly mentioned.                                                                
CHAIR TOBIN  referenced SB 266, page  3, lines 29 -  30, and said                                                               
regulations  to   be  promulgated   by  the   department  include                                                               
services.  Services  may  include  individual  tutoring  in  core                                                               
3:43:57 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR TOBIN solicited a motion.                                                                                                 
3:43:58 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR  GRAY-JACKSON moved  to  adopt  the committee  substitute                                                               
(CS)  for  SB  266,  work   order  33-LS1578\S,  as  the  working                                                               
3:44:17 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR TOBIN  found no objection and  CSSB 266 was adopted  as the                                                               
working document.                                                                                                               
3:44:32 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR TOBIN solicited the will of the committee.                                                                                
3:44:34 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR GRAY-JACKSON  moved to  report CSSB  266, work  order 33-                                                               
LS1578\S,  from  committee  with individual  recommendations  and                                                               
attached fiscal note(s).                                                                                                        
3:44:51 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR TOBIN  found no objection  and CSSB 266 (EDC)  was reported                                                               
from the Senate Education Standing Committee.                                                                                   

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
SB 266 Version S 05.08.2024.pdf SEDC 5/8/2024 3:30:00 PM
SB 266
SB 266 Explanation of Changes Version B to Version S 05.08.2024.pdf SEDC 5/8/2024 3:30:00 PM
SB 266
SB 266 Testimony Part 6 - Received as of 05.09.2024.pdf SEDC 5/8/2024 3:30:00 PM
SB 266