Legislature(2009 - 2010)BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)
02/18/2010 03:30 PM Senate COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS
Audio | Topic |
Start | |
SB120 | |
SB232 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
= | SB 120 | ||
= | SB 232 | ||
SB 232-MUNICIPAL RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TAXES 3:44:15 PM VICE-CHAIR THOMAS announced the next order of business to come before the committee was SB 232. GEORGE ASCOTT, staff to Senator Wielechowski, said SB 232 and SB 120, now both with a $50,000 exemption limit, are essentially identical. He explained the only different is that SB 232 allows the municipalities to extend the property tax exemption on to rental properties if they chose to do so; the intention being that the tax burden would not be passed on to renters. SENATOR FRENCH moved to report SB 232 from committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note(s). There being no objection, the motion carried.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |