Legislature(2005 - 2006)BELTZ 211
03/09/2005 01:30 PM Senate COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS
Audio | Topic |
Start | |
HB42 | |
SB114 | |
SB112 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 42-JOE WILLIAMS, SR., COASTAL TRAIL CHAIR GARY STEVENS announced HB 42 to be up for consideration. JIM VAN HORN, staff to Representative Jim Elkins, explained HB 42 names three miles of coastal trail between Ketchikan and Saxman the Joe Williams Sr. Coastal Trail. Mr. Williams served as mayor of Saxman for 38 years, was active in public affairs and was a highly respected citizen. The bill honors the memory of a respected Native leader and his family as well. 1:38:54 PM CHAIR GARY STEVENS noted that most House members were co- sponsors then asked whether the sponsor objected to the proposed committee substitute, which would change the name to the Joseph C. Williams Coastal Trail. MR. VAN HORN responded the sponsor had no objection. CHAIR GARY STEVENS held HB 42 in committee.
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