Legislature(1995 - 1996)
04/26/1996 01:37 PM Senate CRA
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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
CSHB 192(FIN) am AHFC HOUSING LOANS CHAIRMAN TORGERSON called the Senate Community & Regional Affairs Committee meeting to order at 1:37 p.m., and brought CSHB 192(FIN) am back before the committee as the first order of business. He directed atention to an amendment being proposed by Senator Kelly. SENATOR KELLY, in addressing the proposed amendment, stated a conflict of interest. He said the amendment would affect the Chester Park Condominium group in Anchorage and his in-laws own a unit there. Explaining the amendment, Senator Kelly noted the Senate State Affairs Committee changed the age limit for senior housing in Alaska from 60 years down to 55 years, however, that amendment faces serious opposition in the House and might kill the bill. He pointed out the Chester Park residential cooperative is a senior condominium project that is privately financed in Alaska. The cooperative has a full-term taxable loan from AHFC, but receives no subsidy from them. By restricting this for persons 55 years of age or older in residential cooperatives organized under AS 10.15 or AS 34.08, it only relates to the Chester Park cooperative and leaves the age at 60 for other facilities. SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS also stated a conflict of interest. Number 112 JOHN BITTNEY, representing Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, stated AHFC's position on legislation is neutral, but by narrowing the definition it will narrow down a lot of the impact that it could potentially have and alleviate some of the concerns that have come up. Number 140 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS moved the following amendment to CSHB 194(FIN) am: Amendment No. 1 Page 8, line 16-22: Delete all material and insert: "(A) means construction or improvement undertaken primarily to provide dwelling accommodations (i) for persons 55 years of age or older in residential cooperatives organized under AS 10.15 or AS 34.08; and (ii) for persons 60 years of age or older in [, INCLUDING] conventional housing, housing for frail elderly, group homes, congregate housing, residential horizontal property regimes organized under AS 34.07, [RESIDENTIAL COOPERATIVES ORGANIZED UNDER as 10.15 or as 34.08,] residential condominiums organized under AS 34.08, and other housing that meets special needs of the elderly;" Page 8, line 29: Delete "55" [60] years of age or older." Insert "of the age set by law to qualify for senior housing[60 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER]." Hearing no objection, the Chairman stated the amendment was adopted. Number 145 BRYCE EDGMON, staff to Representative Richard Foster who is prime sponsor of HB 192, stated the sponsor supports the amendment. Number 149 There being no further testimony on CSHB 192(FIN) am, SENATOR TORGERSON asked for the pleasure of the committee. SENATOR KELLY moved that SCS CSHB 192(CRA) be passed out of committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.
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