Legislature(1993 - 1994)

04/16/1993 10:05 AM Senate CRA

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
  SENATOR  RANDY   PHILLIPS  introduced  SB   65  (CENTRALIZED                 
  CORRESPONDENCE STUDY) as the first order of business.                        
  Number 025                                                                   
  SENATOR JIM DUNCAN,  prime sponsor of SB  65, explained that                 
  the  Centralized  Correspondence  Study   program  currently                 
  receives  its  funding  under  AS  14.17.022,  which  allows                 
  accounting only  of elementary  students  and not  secondary                 
  students.  It is  prorated at 65 percent of  the unit value.                 
  Over  the  years,  it has  been  obvious  that that  funding                 
  scenario  has  created  an  inequity  since the  centralized                 
  correspondence   unit  provides   services  to   over  1,000                 
  students, half of those students being  in high school.  The                 
  result is that  the correspondence study program  is grossly                 
  underfunded  to continue  the valuable service  its provides                 
  throughout the state.                                                        
  Section   1  of  SB   65  formally   recognizes  centralized                 
  correspondence study as a  public school with a  minimum 180                 
  day  term for students.  Section 2 would allow the school to                 
  count the roll of both elementary and secondary students for                 
  funding purposes.                                                            
  Concluding,    Senator    Duncan   said    the   Centralized                 
  Correspondence Study program  makes a valuable  contribution                 
  to  education, and  it needs  to be properly  recognized and                 
  have the adequate funding for the program to continue.                       
  Number 070                                                                   
  BILL ELKINTON, a  Centralized Correspondence Study  teacher,                 
  said the Centralized Correspondence Study program is a full-                 
  fledged  school  which  provides its  students  top  quality                 
  Mr. Elkinton  presented a history  of the CCS  program which                 
  had its beginnings in territorial days,  primarily providing                 
  a service to rural children of  elementary age.  The program                 
  has expanded throughout  the years and now  includes courses                 
  in Alaska studies and Alaska science.                                        
  He shared postcards,  letters and  pictures provided by  CCS                 
  counselor Gail Haynes  attesting to  the level of  education                 
  received  by  students served  at  CCS and  expressing their                 
  appreciation for that education.                                             
  Mr. Elkinton  noted that  approximately five  years ago  CCS                 
  added a summer  program which necessitated  added materials,                 
  wharehouse  space, personnel, etc.    However, a large block                 
  of the funding for summer school was cut  out of the budget,                 
  and  it made very  apparent the need  for equitable funding.                 
  SB 65 seeks to move the CCS program towards equity in school                 
  and teacher status.                                                          
  Mr. Elkinton said the  membership of CCSEA supports  the HES                 
  committee substitute, and he urged  its favorable and prompt                 
  passage out of committee.                                                    
  Number 225                                                                   
  SENATOR LEMAN noted that  there was a state spelling  bee in                 
  progress,   and   he  asked   if   any  CCS   students  were                 
  participating.  BILL  ELKINTON acknowledged that there  were                 
  CCS students taking part in the spelling bee.  He added that                 
  they seek to  involve their  students in math  competitions,                 
  spelling bees, Battle of the Books,  etc., but some of these                 
  activities have had to                                                       
  be curtailed because of funding cuts.                                        
  number 263                                                                   
  JACK  CADIGAN,  a CCS  teacher,  stated he  was representing                 
  CCSEA,   the   teachers'    association   for    centralized                 
  correspondence  schools.  He said the  CCS program can offer                 
  programs  in  such  courses   where  the  smaller  districts                 
  individually  cannot, and  some  of  the  smaller  districts                 
  purchase their services in this regard.                                      
  Mr. Cadigan said this is a real need as far as the equity in                 
  secondary funding goes, it  is a real need for  total equity                 
  towards being a school, and SB 65 will meet those needs.                     
  Number 290                                                                   
  SENATOR LEMAN asked if  it was possible for students  to use                 
  centralized   correspondence   to  supplement   their  other                 
  schooling, and JACK CADIGAN responded  that students do that                 
  in some cases.                                                               
  Number 316                                                                   
  DARBY ANDERSON,  Superintendent, Centralized  Correspondence                 
  School,  Department of  Education,  stated the  department's                 
  support for the legislation.                                                 
  Ms. Anderson clarified  that when  CCS provides services  to                 
  students  currently  enrolled  in   other  districts,  those                 
  districts contract with and pay CCS for those services.                      
  Ms.  Anderson  said  the CCS  is  extremely  cost effective.                 
  Their  cost per  pupil is $2,600.   She noted  that it would                 
  cost  the  state  an additional  $1.2  million  if secondary                 
  students  that  are  currently  enrolled  in  correspondence                 
  school were enrolled in a local school district.                             
  The primary change  the legislation would  make is to  allow                 
  them to  use a  secondary formula  and continue  to offer  a                 
  qualify secondary program.                                                   
  Ms. Anderson informed the committee that the fiscal  note is                 
  based on FY  93 actual; secondary funding would  generate an                 
  additional $351,400;  the  remaining figures  project  a  10                 
  percent increase in enrollment each year.                                    
  There being no  other witnesses present to  testify, SENATOR                 
  RANDY PHILLIPS  asked for  a  motion to  move SB  65 out  of                 
  SENATOR  LEMAN moved  that  CSSB 65(HES)  be  passed out  of                 
  committee  with  individual  recommendations.    Hearing  no                 
  objection, it was so ordered.                                                

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