Legislature(2001 - 2002)
04/29/2002 03:07 PM Senate 390
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 390-ASMI SALMON MARKETING & MARKTNG TAX CHAIR McGUIRE announced that the only order of business before the committee is HOUSE BILL NO. 390, "An Act extending the termination dates of certain activities and salmon marketing programs of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute and of the salmon marketing tax; expanding the allowable use of that tax for the salmon marketing programs of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute; relating to the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute's salmon marketing committee; and providing for an effective date." [Before the committee is HB 390 and SCS HB 390(RLS).] CHAIR McGUIRE noted that the committee is under the limited powers of conference. Number 0008 SENATOR STEVENS informed the committee that the Senate changed HB 390 such that it would exactly match [CSSB 282(FIN)]. He specified that [CSSB 282(FIN)] removes the [June 30,] 2004, date, which relates to paragraphs (7)-(9) of AS 16.51.100. He explained that paragraphs (7)-(9) of AS 16.51.100 were enacted when the 1 percent assessment was originally put in place. The aforementioned sections of statute dealt with the domestic salmon marketing committee. He pointed out that the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) has made assurances that it will continue to perform the duties listed in AS 16.51.100(7)- (9), although the domestic restrictions have been lifted. Number 0064 CHAIR McGUIRE directed attention to the deletion of the word "domestic" on page 2, line 23, of HB 390. She inquired as to the effect on the policy change if the Senate changes are accepted and ASMI is allowed to sunset. SENATOR STEVENS replied, "Nothing." He highlighted the language of subsection (d) on page 3 of [SCS HB 390(RLS)]. Senator Stevens recommended that the House accept [CSSB 282(FIN)]. Senator Stevens noted that ASMI is probably going to be addressed in Senator Austerman's task force with regard to marketing on a statewide basis. He indicated that if the task force is allowed time to review this, there will probably be some changes suggested by June 30, 2004. Number 0102 REPRESENTATIVE SCALZI related his understanding that all [CSSB 282(FIN)] is doing is limiting paragraphs (7)-(9) of AS 16.15.100. These paragraphs speak to things that ASMI already does. SENATOR STEVENS reminded everyone that those paragraphs were included when the original domestic [language] was included. Number 0128 REPRESENTATIVE McGUIRE moved to report SCS HB 390(RLS) out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal notes. There being no objection, SCS HB 390(RLS) was reported from the Conference Committee on HB 390.
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