Legislature(1995 - 1996)
04/20/1995 05:10 PM House WTR
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HJR 41 - JONES ACT EXEMPTION FOR BULK COMMODITIES JACK PHELPS, Legislative Assistant to Representative Bill Williams, stated that HJR 41 asks Congress to carve out of the Jones Act an exemption for Alaska bulk commodities, thus allowing Alaska coal suppliers to respond to new opportunities in the world market for coal. There are currently no United States manufactured vessels capable of servicing large scale movements of Alaska coal. Therefore, a Jones Act exemption is an important part of any effort to market Alaska coal, especially since the effort is likely to include markets in the western United States and Hawaii. MR. PHELPS said that Alaska is the only state that is discriminated against by the Jones Act. Under current conditions, Alaska suppliers of coal will be noncompetitive with Asian coal shipments to the United States ports, which harms both Alaska and the United States balance of trade. MR. PHELPS added that HJR 41 is consistent with state policy set forth in Title 44 which requires the Governor to use "best efforts and all available means to persuade the United States Congress to repeal" the Jones Act. THOMAS CRAFFORD, Manager, Minerals and Coal for Cook Inlet Region, Inc., testified in support of HJR 41 and that he's always looking into safe methods for shipping coal. CHAIRMAN BARNES asked Mr. Crafford if he was familiar with the Healy Coal Project. She said that a Hawaii market would be very advantageous for Alaska. MR. CRAFFORD responded by saying that he knew of the project, but was not totally familiar with it. REPRESENTATIVE DAVIS asked Mr. Crafford about the status of the Beluga coal fields. MR. CRAFFORD stated that no one had stepped forward to work these fields. Coal is a much different commodity in terms of handling and shipping. It's not like oil, where if a spill would occur, it would leave a major impact on the environment. REPRESENTATIVE DAVIS made a motion to pass HJR 41 out of committee with individual recommendations. CHAIRMAN BARNES asked if there were any objections. Hearing none, the motion passed.
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