Legislature(2009 - 2010)CAPITOL 17
03/18/2010 01:00 PM House TRANSPORTATION
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HB226 | |
HB261 | |
HB262 | |
HB257 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 226-NAMING VETERANS' WAY IN MAT-SU CHAIR P. WILSON announced that the first order of business would be HOUSE BILL NO. 226, "An Act renaming Seldon Road and that portion of Bogard Road that extends between Palmer and Meadow Lakes, as Veterans' Way." 1:08:44 PM REPRESENTATIVE WES KELLER, Alaska State Legislature, as prime sponsor, stated that HB 226 offers an opportunity to honor veterans by naming a thoroughfare Veterans' Way. 1:09:27 PM REPRESENTATIVE MUNOZ moved to adopt the proposed committee substitute for HB 226, labeled 26-LS0830\S, Kane, 2/22/10, as the working document. There being no objection, Version S was before the committee. 1:09:42 PM REPRESENTATIVE KELLER stated that he is proud of the military. He remarked that veterans have sacrificed for our country and he thought it was fitting to rename a portion of a roadway "Veterans' Way." The expansion of the valley projects resulted in an east to west roadway with three different names, which is confusing to residents and motorists. The road is called Bogard Road, Seldon Road, and East Colony School Road. He referred to a map in members' packets with the Parks Highway highlighted in orange, depicting the Parks Highway on the south and connects to the Glenn Highway. The Parks highway continues through Wasilla, with a cutoff that connects to Glenallen, and north to Houston and to points beyond. He referred to the Wasilla-Palmer Highway and remarked that it can currently take motorists a half hour to traverse the seven mile portion of the roadway. He related that the Bogard Road project when completed will connect to the Glenn Highway and will become the proposed Veterans' Way. The map in members' packets, which is highlighted in pink, starting from the left, indicates Trunk Road, Seward Meridian Highway, Lucille Road, and Church Roads. While the project is not yet completed, the final road will become a major thoroughfare. He recently visited businesses along the area and people were enthusiastic about the name change. He did not receive any negative comments on renaming the road. He explained that the proposed committee substitute, Version S, would help clarify the physical description of the proposed roadway since a portion of Bogard Road that is not intended to be renamed was inadvertently included in the bill. 1:13:30 PM CHAIR P. WILSON related her understanding that the pink lines depicted on the map are not current thoroughfares. REPRESENTATIVE KELLER answered that Trunk Road is an historical road, but the road is currently a winding and narrow road. He explained that Seward Meridian connects to Bogard Road, which is projected to connect to the proposed Veterans' Way. Lucille and Church Roads both connect to the proposed Veterans' Way. In further response to Chair P. Wilson, he agreed that the proposed Veterans' Way is depicted in green on the map in members' packets. 1:14:37 PM REPRESENTATIVE MUNOZ pointed out a portion of Bogard Road will continue to be named Bogard Road, but she noticed that Seldon Road is replaced. She related that sometimes changing a name can cause problems since the families may object. REPRESENTATIVE KELLER agreed. He stated that Seldon Road was named in the last five years and the road was named after a novel. 1:15:42 PM REPRESENTATIVE T. WILSON asked whether it is confusing to name a portion of the road. REPRESENTATIVE KELLER explained that renaming the road would actually resolve the confusion. He stated that the road name changes from East Colony Way to Bogard Road to Seldon Road. This entire stretch is proposed to be named Veterans' Way. He maintained it is very confusing to motorists now. Additionally, describing driving instructions to people can be quite challenging, he stated. 1:16:47 PM REPRESENTATIVE PETERSEN asked whether part of the road will continue to be Bogard Road. REPRESENTATIVE KELLER explained that the bill would rename the east to west portion of Bogard Road, but the existing Bogard Road between Valley Country Store at the intersection of East Grumman Circle to Main Street to Wasilla Main Street will remain Bogard Road. 1:18:03 PM MARY SIROKY, Legislative Liaison, Office of the Commissioner, Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF), explained that the DOT&PF does not have any issue with renaming the road and views it as a policy call. She referred to the DOT&PF fiscal note and attached plan for signage along the proposed Veterans' Way. The total cost for the 88 signs is anticipated to be $32,000. She reminded members that both directions need signage at intersections. Since this is designated as an historic road, some additional brown signs will indicate the historic highway. 1:20:06 PM REPRESENTATIVE JOHANSEN asked whether the signs will be manufactured by the DOT&PF. He inquired as to whether the DOT&PF is manufacturing all its signs. MS. SIROKY related that the DOT&PF has the capability to produce signs and by producing the signs in-house will save $15,000. MS. SIROKY, in response to Representative Johansen, explained the she has not been to the sign shop but understood the DOT&PF buys the steel and has the ability to do lettering. In further response to Representative Johansen, she stated that she was not certain how long the DOT&PF has been making signs, but related that it is not a new activity. REPRESENTATIVE JOHANSEN recalled asking whether DOT&PF could make signs last year. He recalled the fiscal note for signs for the Joe C. Williams Coastal Trail in Ketchikan, which were expensive. He expressed concern about the department's inconsistency. 1:22:06 PM CHAIR P. WILSON asked who actually makes the in-house signs. MS. SIROKY answered that she was unsure. She also offered to review the fiscal note and to research Representative Johansen's concern. REPRESENTATIVE JOHANSEN asked who decides whether the signs will be made internally or by the private sector. He would like to know who makes the decision on which signs will be contracted out. MS. SIROKY recalled that the DOT&PF's staff prepared the cost estimates and she listed the one that was less costly. REPRESENTATIVE JOHANSEN remarked that the $15,000 in savings can add up. REPRESENTATIVE T. WILSON asked whether the 88 signs currently being used would be recycled. MS. SIROKY offered to find out. 1:25:01 PM DALLAS MASSIE, American Legion Post 35, stated that his grandfather obtained his citizenship by serving during World War I. Additionally, his wife's grandfather also served in World War I. Both fathers served in World War II in the Pacific Theatre. He is a Vietnam era veteran and his oldest son is a veteran of the First Gulf War. He testified in support of HB 226 and urged members to support the bill. ROBERT J. BRYANT, Valley Veterans Council, stated that he served in both Gulf Wars. He supported HB 226 and related this would be a wonderful way to honor all veterans. NOEL WOODS stated that he has been a 65-year resident of the Matanuska-Susitna Valley and is a Korean War veteran. He said, "Go ahead with this. It sounds great." JEAN WOODS stated that she wears a "gold star" and a "blue star" because she has veterans in her family. She related that her two sons have served their country. This good way to honor veterans who keep us "the land of the free, because of the brave," she said. YUKON DON TANNER explained that he has been in Alaska since 1959 and served his country from 1969-1972, then came to the Matanuska-Susitna Valley. His two sons are navy veterans that also reside in the Matanuska-Susitna valley. He explained that the idea to rename the road came from Mat-Su Borough Transportation Committee. The committee's mission was to prioritize how to dovetail future projects with existing projects. The Bogard Extension became Colony Way one direction and Seldon Road and Seldon Extension in the other direction. During the planning period he suggested the road should be named Veterans' Way. About a year and a half ago a group of veterans approached Representative Keller to introduce the bill. He urged members to pass HB 226. 1:29:37 PM REPRESENTATIVE GRUENBERG remarked that only two navy veterans involved with the legislature are both present in this room. MR. TANNER said he appreciated the members' service. JEROME CRANDALL, Wasilla, Alaska, stated that he supports HB 226. He related that he is a veteran of the foreign wars and served in the U.S. Marine Corps. He said is in favor of the testimony today. He urged members to pass the bill to honor veterans. CHAIR P. WILSON, after first determining no one else wished to testify, closed public testimony on HB 226. 1:31:15 PM REPRESENTATIVE GRUENBERG moved to report the proposed committee substitute for HB 226, labeled 26-LS0830\S, Kane, 2/22/10, out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal note. There being no objection, CSHB 226(TRA) was reported from the House Transportation Standing Committee.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |
hb 261 sponsor stmt.pdf |
HTRA 3/18/2010 1:00:00 PM |
HB 261 |
HB 262 sponsor stmt.pdf |
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HB 262 |
HB226 sponsor Stmt.pdf |
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HB 226 |
HB226 Backup.pdf |
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HB 226 |
HB262 Backup.pdf |
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HB 262 |
HB261 backup.pdf |
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HB 261 |
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HB 261 |