Legislature(1997 - 1998)
04/25/1997 01:10 PM House TRA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 248 - EAST EGAN DRIVE IN VALDEZ Number 055 CHAIRMAN HUDSON announced that first order of business to be HB 248, "An Act naming East Egan Drive in Valdez." He asked Representative Kubina to present the bill. Number 206 REPRESENTATIVE GENE KUBINA stated that the milepost on the Richardson Highway starts where the old town is. The section of road between the old town and the new town is without milepost numbers. He stated that the main street coming into town is called Egan Drive. The bill is proposing that the part of the Richardson Highway between Meals Avenue and the east end of Mineral Creek Loop Road be called East Egan Drive. The reason is so that the businesses on that stretch of road can have an address. He stated that since there aren't any milepost numbers on that stretch of road, the businesses don't have a street address and they can't use their location of minus some odd miles on the Richardson Highway as their address. By naming this stretch of road East Egan Drive, the businesses will be able to have an address. He stated that there is an amendment to the bill which clarifies the proper name of the road to be Mineral Creek Loop Road rather than Mineral Creek Road. Number 373 REPRESENTATIVE JOHN COWDERY moved to adopt Amendment 1. Number 378 CHAIRMAN HUDSON asked if there were any objections, hearing none Amendment 1 was adopted. REPRESENTATIVE COWDERY asked who was going to pay for the signs, for the new road since there is a zero fiscal note. Number 453 REPRESENTATIVE KUBINA replied that the city will put up the signs. Number 475 REPRESENTATIVE KIM ELTON made a motion to move CSHB 248(TRA), with individual recommendations and a zero fiscal note. Number 484 REPRESENTATIVE HUDSON asked if there were any objections, hearing none, CSHB 248(TRA) was moved out of the House Transportation Standing Committee.
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