Legislature(1997 - 1998)
04/23/1997 01:10 PM House TRA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 246 - GEORGE W. PALMER MEMORIAL BRIDGE Number 056 CHAIRMAN WILLIAMS announced that the committee would hear HB 246, "An Act naming the George W. Palmer Memorial Bridge." Number 104 SANDRA YOCOM, Researcher to Representative Scott Ogan, stated that there is a new bridge construction occurring across the Matanuska River, outside of Palmer. Justin Kaucic, with Boy Scott Troop 325, of Palmer is spearheading the effort to name the bridge the George W. Palmer Memorial Bridge. She stated that the city of Palmer and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough are in favor of this naming of the bridge. She stated that George W. Palmer arrived in Alaska in 1875, operating a trading post on the Matanuska River Bridge. She stated that he used tin-lined boxes to protect the supplies from bugs and weather along the river. He is remembered as a resourceful and industrious Alaskan pioneer. He died in 1935 and in 1951 when the city incorporated, it chose the name of Palmer to reflect his independence and industriousness. The Matanuska- Susitna Valley government and residents seek to extend this remembrance to include the new bridge being built near his old trading post site. Number 348 BARBARA LACHER, Mayor, City of Matanuska, testified via teleconference from Palmer, that the Matanuska Borough is unanimously in support of naming the bridge, the George W. Palmer Memorial Bridge. Number 495 JUSTIN KAUCIC, testified via teleconference from Matsu, that the George W. Palmer Memorial Bridge is a very good name for this bridge. CHAIRMAN WILLIAMS asked how old he is and how he came up with the name. MR. KAUCIC replied that he is eleven years old and he came up with the name because George W. Palmer operated the trading post where the bridge site is. Number 542 REPRESENTATIVE BEVERLY MASEK thanked Mr. Kaucic for all his effort and involvement. REPRESENTATIVE BILL HUDSON thanked Mr. Kaucic and stated that he appreciated young people taking on civic responsibilities. Number 644 CHUCK KAUCIC, testified via teleconferce from Matsu, that this is a wonderful opportunity to interpret Alaskan history. Number 728 REPRESENTATIVE MASEK made a motion to move HB 246, with individual recommendations and attached zero fiscal note. Number 761 CHAIRMAN WILLIAMS asked if there were any objections, hearing none HB 246 was moved out of the House Transportation Standing Committee.
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