Legislature(1995 - 1996)

03/20/1996 01:15 PM House TRA

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
 HB 496 - FERRY TRANSPORTATION FOR NAT GUARD MEMBER                          
 CHAIRMAN GARY DAVIS announced that the first item was HB 496, an              
 act relating to transportation of members of the Alaska National              
 Guard by the Alaska marine highway system.                                    
 Number 0100                                                                   
 GEORGE DOZIER, Junior, Legislative Aide for Representative Kott,              
 said HB 496 provides free transportation to Alaska National Guard             
 members when traveling to and from their duties as guard members on           
 a space available basis.  He said this is seen as one way of                  
 assisting individual who are assisting the state of Alaska as well            
 as being a recruitment tool.  He said there are a lot of                      
 individuals, who are not on the surface highway, but on the marine            
 highway, who have no way of getting to and from National Guard                
 drills.  He said HB 496 would allow them to participate in these              
 Number 0199                                                                   
 CHAIRMAN GARY DAVIS said HB 496 appears to be a small part in which           
 the legislature can assist Alaska National Guard members.                     
 Number 0223                                                                   
 REPRESENTATIVE BILL WILLIAMS made a motion to move HB 496 out of              
 committee with attached fiscal note and individual recommendations.           
 Hearing no objections HB 496 was moved from the House Standing                
 Committee on Transportation.                                                  

Document Name Date/Time Subjects