Legislature(2023 - 2024)GRUENBERG 120
02/27/2024 03:00 PM House STATE AFFAIRS
Note: the audio and video recordings are distinct records and are obtained from different sources. As such there may be key differences between the two. The audio recordings are captured by our records offices as the official record of the meeting and will have more accurate timestamps. Use the icons to switch between them.
Audio | Topic |
Start | |
HB286 | |
HB316 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 286-CRIME VICTIM RESTITUTION 3:03:58 PM CHAIR SHAW announced that the first order of business would be HOUSE BILL NO. 286 "An Act relating to victim restitution and compensation." 3:04:15 PM CHAIR SHAW moved Amendment 1 to HB 286, labeled 33-LS1012\B.2, C. Radford 2/15/24, which read as follows: Page 1, line 11: Delete "necessary" Page 2, line 7: Delete "[, INCLUDING LOSS OF INCOME,]" Insert ", including loss of income," 3:04:18 PM REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER objected for the purpose of discussion. 3:04:29 PM BUDDY WHITT, Staff, Representative Laddie Shaw, Alaska State Legislature, provided an overview of Amendment 1 and explained that the word "necessary" would be deleted from the bill for legal clarity. On page 2, line 7 of the bill, the term "including loss of income" would be reinserted into the bill as a result of discussions with the Department of Law and the Office of Victims' Rights. 3:05:50 PM KACI SCHROEDER, Assistant Attorney General, Legal Services Section, Criminal Division, Department of Law, provided further detail about Amendment 1 to HB 286. She explained the reasoning behind the removal of the word "necessary" in the bill. She said the victim must show that the defendant's conduct was the proximate cause of the victims' loss or damages. She referred to Grubb v. State of Alaska, which said, In order to obtain restitution for particular losses or damages the state must establish two facets of causation, that a defendants criminal conduct was the cause in fact the but-for analysis of the losses incurred and that the losses were the natural and proximate result of the criminal conduct to which liability should attach. That the losses were not so attenuated from the wrongful conduct as to negate responsibility. MS. SCHROEDER explained that the state must show that criminal conduct was a substantial factor in bringing about the damages sought. Inserting the word "necessary" implies that there is a different standard. MS. SCHROEDER explained that Amendment 1 adds in "loss of income". The purpose of the bill is to say that victims can recover funds from lost wages, childcare, elder care, transportation, and other expenses incurred during the victim's participation in the investigation or prosecution of the offense, or attendance at court proceedings. This is in direct response to cases where the court seemed unsure that those types of damages would be recoverable. 3:08:58 PM MR. WHITT added that each committee member was provided copies and explanations of Amendment 1. The explanation was written by Ms. Schroeder. 3:09:15 PM CHAIR SHAW noted that the word "necessary" is unnecessary. 3:09:23 PM MS. SCHROEDER provided the case number for Grubb v. State, 506 P 3d 791. CHAIR SHAW thanked Ms. Schroeder. 3:09:44 PM REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER removed his objection. There being no further objection, Amendment 1 was adopted. 3:09:51 PM CHAIR SHAW asked for a motion. 3:10:01 PM REPRESENTATIVE WRIGHT moved to report HB 286, as amended out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal notes. There being no objection, HB 286 was reported from the House State Affairs Standing Committee.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |
HB 286 Sectional Analysis version A.pdf |
HSTA 2/8/2024 3:00:00 PM HSTA 2/20/2024 3:00:00 PM HSTA 2/27/2024 3:00:00 PM |
HB 286 |
HB 286 Sponsor Statement version A.pdf |
HSTA 2/8/2024 3:00:00 PM HSTA 2/20/2024 3:00:00 PM HSTA 2/27/2024 3:00:00 PM |
HB 286 |
HB 286 Support Document Yani Morley.pdf |
HSTA 2/8/2024 3:00:00 PM HSTA 2/20/2024 3:00:00 PM HSTA 2/27/2024 3:00:00 PM |
HB 286 |
HB 286 Presentation.pdf |
HSTA 2/8/2024 3:00:00 PM HSTA 2/20/2024 3:00:00 PM HSTA 2/27/2024 3:00:00 PM |
HB 286 |
HB 286 Amendment 1.pdf |
HSTA 2/20/2024 3:00:00 PM HSTA 2/27/2024 3:00:00 PM |
HB 286 |
HB 316 Sponsor Statement.pdf |
HSTA 2/27/2024 3:00:00 PM HSTA 3/5/2024 3:00:00 PM |
HB 316 |
HB 316 Legal Memo.pdf |
HSTA 2/27/2024 3:00:00 PM HSTA 3/5/2024 3:00:00 PM |
HB 316 |
Hb 316 Support Doc - The Hill Op-Ed by Rep. Kevin Yoder and Ajit Pai.2016.pdf |
HSTA 2/27/2024 3:00:00 PM HSTA 3/5/2024 3:00:00 PM |
HB 316 |
HB 316 Support Doc - The Kelsey Smith Act Back-Up Informaiton.pdf |
HSTA 2/27/2024 3:00:00 PM HSTA 3/5/2024 3:00:00 PM |
HB 316 |
HB 316 Version A.pdf |
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HB 316 |
HB316 Sectional Analysis.pdf |
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HB 316 |
HB 316 Fiscal Note DPS AST.pdf |
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HB 316 |
CSHB 316 STA Version B.pdf |
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HB 316 |
HB 316 Support Doc - Greg Smith Written Testimony.pdf |
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HB 316 |