Legislature(2009 - 2010)CAPITOL 106
04/09/2009 08:00 AM House STATE AFFAIRS
Audio | Topic |
Start | |
HB24 | |
HJR31 | |
HB106 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 24-PROCUREMENT PREFERENCE FOR VETERANS 8:07:13 AM CHAIR LYNN announced that the first order of business was HOUSE BILL NO. 24, "An Act relating to a public procurement preference for Alaska veterans." [Before the committee was CSHB 24(MLV).] 8:07:18 AM CRYSTAL KOENEMAN, Staff, Representative Anna Fairclough, Alaska State Legislature, reported that after the House State Affairs Standing Committee's last hearing of HB 24, on Tuesday, [April 7, 2009], the sponsor and her staff met with Representative Gruenberg, and were able to address his concerns without the need to create a committee substitute. REPRESENTATIVE SEATON recalled a concern [voiced by Representative Gruenberg at the prior hearing of HB 24] regarding language beginning on page 2, line 11, [relating to qualification for bidder preference, and which read as follows]: "or the bidder must have sold supplies of the general nature solicited to other state agencies, governments, or the general public." REPRESENTATIVE SEATON reminded the committee that the concern had been that [that language would discriminate against someone who is new in business]. He asked if that was the sponsor's intent. 8:08:16 AM MS. KOENEMAN explained that that language is currently used "under the Alaska bidder preference." In response to a follow- up question, she offered her understanding that if this language was changed in HB 24, it would be necessary to also change the Alaska bidder preference language. 8:09:14 AM VERN JONES, Chief Procurement Officer, Division of General Services, Department of Administration (DOA), stated that changing the aforementioned language in HB 24 would not change the requirements for the Alaska bidder preference; a bidder would still have to be in business for six months prior to the bid opening in order to qualify for that preference. He continued: To qualify for this preference, you also have to qualify for the Alaska bidder preference, so, unless you went back and changed that, ... the change you might be contemplating would have any affect wouldn't necessarily require you, though, to change the Alaska bidder preference either. 8:10:07 AM REPRESENTATIVE JOHNSON asked Mr. Jones if he had had time to consider [a suggestion Representative Johnson had made, during the April 7 meeting, to add language so that the proposed definition of "Alaska veteran" as an individual who is a resident of the state was changed to require that individual to have been a resident of the state for at least 30 days]. He said he wants to know if that change can be made without going "over the line." MR. JONES prefaced his answer by stating that he is not an expert regarding veteran discharge papers. He said he had discussed the suggestion with some staff members and it is their consensus that "that would be a difficult thing to be able to determine and track." He said [CSHB 24(MLV)] does not require the onerous provision that the division maintain a registry. It would be necessary for the division to create a "check box" for veterans to check, and, in addition, some competitive policing would be necessary. He stated that even if the division was able to gather the initial information, it probably does not have the means and is not the right entity to track that information without a registry. REPRESENTATIVE JOHNSON responded that although he thinks it would be nice to include that requirement, he can "see the problem" in doing so. 8:12:00 AM REPRESENTATIVE SEATON moved to report CSHB 24(MLV) out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal notes. There being no objection, CSHB 24(MLV) was reported out of the House State Affairs Standing Committee.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |
01 HJR031B.pdf |
HSTA 4/9/2009 8:00:00 AM |
01 4-2-09 CSHB106_T.pdf |
HSTA 4/9/2009 8:00:00 AM |
HB 106 |
02 Sponsor Statement HJR 31.doc |
HSTA 4/9/2009 8:00:00 AM |
03 HJR031-1-1-040809-MLV-N.pdf |
HSTA 4/9/2009 8:00:00 AM |
04 Expenses Incident to Death.doc |
HSTA 4/9/2009 8:00:00 AM |
05 DD93.pdf |
HSTA 4/9/2009 8:00:00 AM |
06 Air Force Association support letter.pdf |
HSTA 4/9/2009 8:00:00 AM |
02 4.8.09HB106_SponsorStatement.pdf |
HSTA 4/9/2009 8:00:00 AM |
HB 106 |
03 HB106_SummaryOfChanges2.pdf |
HSTA 4/9/2009 8:00:00 AM |
HB 106 |
04 HB106-Fiscal_Note-DPS-DET-02-23-09.pdf |
HSTA 4/9/2009 8:00:00 AM |
HB 106 |
05 NAB Resolution.pdf |
HSTA 4/9/2009 8:00:00 AM |
06 4.8.09HB106_Sectional.pdf |
HSTA 4/9/2009 8:00:00 AM |
HB 106 |
07 H.R. 1633.pdf |
HSTA 4/9/2009 8:00:00 AM |
3-13-09 - HB 76 Research.pdf |
HSTA 4/9/2009 8:00:00 AM |
HB 76 |