Legislature(2005 - 2006)CAPITOL 106
04/07/2005 08:00 AM House STATE AFFAIRS
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HB86 | |
HB144 | |
HB201 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
= | HB 201 | ||
HB 201-PERM. FUND DIVIDEND APPS OF MILITARY 9:55:22 AM CHAIR SEATON announced that the next order of business was HOUSE BILL NO. 201, "An Act relating to an application for a permanent fund dividend for a member of the armed forces of the United States serving on active duty outside of the state; and providing for an effective date." REPRESENTATIVE LYNN moved to adopt the committee substitute (CS) for HB 201, Version 24-LS0674\G, Cook, 4/5/05, as a work draft. REPRESENTATIVE GRUENBERG objected for discussion purposes. 9:56:07 AM CHAIR SEATON noted that the sponsor of the bill had objected "to the amendment." 9:56:22 AM ERICH DeLAND, Staff to Representative Mike Chenault, Alaska State Legislature, testifying on behalf of Representative Chenault, sponsor, stated, "We will accept this amendment at this point." 9:56:37 AM REPRESENTATIVE GRUENBERG offered Conceptual Amendment 1, which would require the applicant to file an affidavit with the division, "stating that they meet the requirements for that year's PFD, which would be the intent to return." He clarified that it could be filed anytime, including before the person "left the states." CHAIR SEATON asked if there was any objection to Conceptual Amendment 1. 9:57:28 AM MR. DeLAND, in response to Chair Seaton, indicated that the sponsor would support [Conceptual Amendment 1]. 9:57:36 AM REPRESENTATIVE RAMRAS stated for the record that, if there were more time, he would object to [Conceptual Amendment 1]; however, he emphasized that he is "anxious to get [HB] 201 out of here to protect our troops." REPRESENTATIVE ELKINS responded, "Amen." 9:57:54 AM CHAIR SEATON noted that [there being no objections, Conceptual Amendment 1] was adopted. CHAIR SEATON moved to adopt [Conceptual] Amendment 2, to add language on page 1, line 12, after the word "eligible", to indicate that the member of the armed forces can be eligible at any time during the application period, not necessarily for the whole period. MR. DeLAND said the sponsor would support [Conceptual Amendment 2]. CHAIR SEATON announced that there being no objection, [Conceptual Amendment 2] was adopted. 9:59:05 AM REPRESENTATIVE GATTO directed attention to language on [page 1], line 3, that read, "eligible for hostile fire or imminent danger pay". He asked if that phrase is defined in military regulations, "so that it's not someone else's decision, but clearly a military decision." REPRESENTATIVE GRUENBERG responded, "The answer is 'yes'." 9:59:19 AM REPRESENTATIVE LYNN stated that he would like to see the bill broadened, but would also like to see it moved from committee. REPRESENTATIVE LYNN moved to report CSHB 201, Version 24- LS0674\G, Cook, 4/5/05, as amended, out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal notes. There being no objection, CSHB 201(STA) was reported out of the House State Affairs Standing Committee.
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