Legislature(2001 - 2002)
03/21/2002 08:04 AM House STA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SCR 23-ALASKA TARTAN DAY Number 0260 CHAIR COGHILL announced that the first order of business was SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 23, Relating to declaring April 6, 2002, as Alaska Tartan Day. Number 0273 PHELAN STRAUBE, Staff to Senator Randy Phillips, Alaska State Legislature, testified on behalf of the sponsor of SCR 23, who was out of town. CHAIR COGHILL said [the subject] was straightforward and asked Mr. Straube if he would explain the reason for the resolution. Number 0323 MR. STRAUBE told the committee that this proposed resolution seeks to honor Americans with Scottish decent in Alaska, [by declaring] April 6, 2002 as "Tartan Day." He noted that April 6 is significant to people of Scottish decent; it is the day that the Scottish declaration of independence was signed. Mr. Straube said many people believe that the framers of the United States Constitution took the Scottish declaration of independence "into consideration." MR. STRAUBE told the committee that, basically, the resolution requests that the governor proclaim April 6, 2002 as "Alaska Tartan Day." He indicated that there is an accompanying zero fiscal note. Number 0402 CHAIR COGHILL noted that [the sponsor] had listed [those legislators] with Scottish decent [available in the committee packet]. Number 0460 REPRESENTATIVE JAMES noted that her name appeared on the list because of her husband, whose parents were both of Scottish decent. CHAIR COGHILL said there is a celebration in Anchorage - "the highland group puts together a pretty good-sized shindig." This resolution requests the governor to have a proclamation read at that gathering. Number 0518 MR. STRAUBE noted that this summer, in Eagle River, the Alaska Highland Games will again take place, an event which is popular with locals and tourists, alike. Number 0526 REPRESENTATIVE JAMES moved to report SCR 23 out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying zero fiscal note. REPRESENTATIVE FATE objected to point out that his name was not included on the aforementioned list, then removed his objection. He announced, "I want you to know that I have the Macbeth tartan." Number 0586 CHAIR COGHILL thanked Mr. Straube for bringing this resolution before the committee. He said he thought he had "spoke to this on the floor last time," and would welcome the privilege to do so again. [There being no objection, SCR 23 was reported from the House State Affairs Standing Committee.]
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